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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing B, I, O and 2R

ARBORIOarborio n. Ellipsis of arborio rice.
Arborio n. Alternative letter-case form of arborio.
ARBORIO n. (Italian) a round-grained rice used in making risotto.
BARRICObarrico n. A small cask.
BARRICO n. (Spanish) a small cask.
BARRIOSbarrios n. Plural of barrio.
Barrios prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
BARRIO n. (Spanish) a Spanish-speaking usually poor community or district.
BIZARRObizarro adj. (Colloquial) Alternative form of bizarre.
bizarro adj. (Informal, humorous) Being the opposite or logical inverse of a familiar person, place, or situation.
bizarro adj. (Literature) Pertaining to bizarro fiction.
BORTIERBORTY adj. relating to bort, diamond dust.
BROIDERbroider v. (Archaic) To embroider.
BROIDER v. to adorn with needlework.
BROILERbroiler n. A person who broils, someone who cooks by broiling.
broiler n. (Cooking, North America) A device used to broil food; part of an oven or a small stove; known as a grill…
broiler n. A chicken raised for meat.
BROSIERbrosier v. Alternative form of brozier.
brosier n. Alternative form of brozier.
BROSY adj. having the quality of brose, a dish of oatmeal with boiling water or milk poured on it.
BURRITOburrito n. A Mexican dish consisting of a flour tortilla wrapped around a filling of meat and/or beans, cheese etc.
burrito v. (Slang) To wrap someone or something up like a burrito.
BURRITO n. (Spanish) a Mexican dish consisting of a flour tortilla, filled with meat, beans, chilli etc.
ORBITERorbiter n. An object that orbits another, especially a spacecraft that orbits a planet etc. without landing on it.
orbiter n. (Slang, seduction community) A person who constantly hangs around with someone they are attracted to…
ORBITER n. a spacecraft that orbits.
RIBWORKribwork n. The use of ribs in architecture or construction.
RIBWORK n. a rib vaulting.
RIBWORTribwort n. Ribgrass; Old World plantain, Plantago lanceolata.
RIBWORT n. a plantain with lanceolate prominently veined leaves, common in grassland, also RIBGRASS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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