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There are 18 seven-letter words containing B, I, N, R and T

ANTBIRDantbird n. Any of various drab-colored South American birds of the family Thamnophilidae that feed on ants.
ANTBIRD n. any of a group of tropical birds.
ATABRINATABRIN n. (tradename) a bitter yellow powder, formerly used against malaria, also ATABRINE, ATEBRIN.
ATEBRINatebrin n. A preparation of the drug quinacrine, formerly used as an antimalarial.
ATEBRIN n. (tradename) a bitter yellow powder, formerly used against malaria, also ATABRIN, ATABRINE.
BENTIERBENTY adj. like wiry grass.
BIOTRONbiotron n. (Biology) A chamber in which the effects of climate on organisms can be studied.
BIOTRON n. a climate control chamber.
BITTERNbittern n. Several bird species in the Botaurinae subfamily of the heron family Ardeidae.
bittern n. The liquor remaining after halite (common salt) has been harvested from saline water (brine).
bittern n. The saline substance added to soy milk to coagulate it as a primary step in the production of tofu.
BORNITEbornite n. (Mineralogy) A reddish mineral that tarnishes on exposure to air; it is a mixed sulfide of iron and…
BORNITE n. a valuable ore of copper, aka peacock ore.
BRISANTbrisant adj. (Of an explosion or explosive) Having a shattering effect.
BRISANT adj. (French) explosive, shattering.
BRUTINGbruting v. Present participle of brute.
BRUTING n. a process of diamond shaping.
BUNTIERBUNTY adj. having bunt, a disease of wheat.
BUTYRINbutyrin n. (Organic chemistry) The triglyceride of butyric acid; the principal constituent of butterfat.
BUTYRIN n. a butyrate of glycerin; a fat contained in small quantity in milk, which helps to give to butter its peculiar flavor.
INBURSTinburst n. A bursting in or into.
INBURST v. to burst into.
RIBSTONRibston n. A Ribston pippin.
RIBSTON n. a variety of winter apple brought from Normandy to Ribston Hall in Yorkshire, also RIBSTONE.
RINGBITRINGBIT n. a horse's bit.
TRIBUNEtribune n. An elected official in Ancient Rome.
tribune n. (Military tribune) (Latin tribunus militum, "tribune of the soldiers"): an officer of the Roman army…
tribune n. A protector of the people.
TURBINEturbine n. Any of various rotary machines that use the kinetic energy of a continuous stream of fluid (a liquid…
TURBINE n. a type of engine, also TURBO.
VIBRANTvibrant adj. Pulsing with energy or activity.
vibrant adj. Lively and vigorous.
vibrant adj. Vibrating, resonant or resounding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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