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There are 16 seven-letter words containing B, I, L, M and U

ALBUMINalbumin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of monomeric proteins that are soluble in water, and are coagulated by…
ALBUMIN n. (Latin) the protein part of egg-white.
BALLIUMballium n. Synonym of bailey (“fortification”).
BALLIUM n. the outer wall and first line of defence of a castle.
BLUMINGBLUME v. to blossom.
BRIMFULbrimful adj. Filled to maximum capacity.
brimful n. The maximum amount a container can hold.
brimful n. (Figurative) A large amount.
BULIMIAbulimia n. (Pathology) A chronic eating disorder characterized by a binge-and-purge cycle - extreme overeating…
BULIMIA n. (Greek) an eating disorder in which binge eating is followed by depression and guilt, self-induced vomiting and purging, etc., also BULIMUS, BULIMY.
BULIMICbulimic adj. Suffering from bulimia nervosa.
bulimic adj. Of, or relating to, bulimia nervosa.
bulimic n. A person suffering from bulimia nervosa.
BULIMUSBULIMUS n. (Greek) an eating disorder in which binge eating is followed by depression and guilt, self-induced vomiting and purging, etc., also BULIMIA, BULIMY.
BUMELIABUMELIA n. a thorny tree.
BUMPILYbumpily adv. In a bumpy manner.
BUMPY adv. of uneven surface.
GUMBOILgumboil n. (Medicine) A small suppurating inflamed spot on the gum.
GUMBOIL n. an abscess in the gums.
LIMBOUSlimbous adj. (Anatomy) With slightly overlapping borders; said of a suture.
LIMBOUS adj. overlapping.
PLUMBICplumbic adj. (Chemistry) Of, pertaining to, resembling or containing lead.
plumbic adj. (Chemistry) Specifically, of compounds in which it has a higher valence as contrasted with plumbous compounds.
PLUMBIC adj. containing lead.
SUBLIMEsublime v. (Chemistry, physics, transitive, intransitive) To sublimate.
sublime v. (Transitive) To raise on high.
sublime v. (Transitive) To exalt; to heighten; to improve; to purify.
TUMBRILtumbril n. (Historical) A kind of medieval torture device, later associated with a cucking stool.
tumbril n. A cart which opens at the back to release its load.
tumbril n. (Historical) A cart used to carry condemned prisoners to their death, especially to the guillotine during…
UMBRILSumbrils n. Plural of umbril.
UMBRIL n. (Spenser) the visor of a helmet, also UMBREL, UMBRERE, UMBRIERE.
UPCLIMBupclimb v. (Archaic) To climb up; to ascend.
UPCLIMB v. to climb up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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