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There are 15 seven-letter words containing B, I, 2L and N

ALBINALalbinal adj. Synonym of albino.
ALBINAL adj. pertaining to albinism, also ALBINIC.
BALLINGballing v. Present participle of ball.
Balling prop.n. A surname.
BALLING n. forming into a ball.
BELLINGbelling n. Bellowing; the sound of a male deer during the rutting season.
belling n. (US, Indiana, Western Pennsylvania English) A shivaree.
belling v. Present participle of bell.
BELLINIbellini n. Alternative letter-case form of Bellini.
Bellini prop.n. A surname from Italian.
Bellini prop.n. Vincenzo Bellini, Italian opera composer.
BILLINGbilling v. Present participle of bill.
billing n. Amounts billed.
billing n. Accounts receivable.
BILLIONbillion n. (US, modern British & Australian, short scale) a thousand million (logic:1,000×1,000^2): 1 followed…
billion n. (Dated, British & Australian, long scale) A million million (logic:1,000,000^2): a 1 followed by…
billion n. (Colloquial, hyperbolic) An unspecified very large number.
BILLMANbillman n. A man who uses, or is armed with, a bill or hooked axe.
Billman prop.n. A surname.
BILLMAN n. one who uses, or is armed with, a bill or hooked ax.
BILLMENbillmen n. Plural of billman.
BILLMAN n. one who uses, or is armed with, a bill or hooked ax.
BILLONSbillons n. Plural of billon.
BILLON n. (French) base metal, an alloy of copper, tin or silver.
BLINDLYblindly adv. In a blind manner; without sight; sightlessly.
blindly adv. Without consideration or question.
BLIND adv. sightless.
BOLLINGbolling n. A tree from which the branches have been cut; a pollard.
Bolling prop.n. A surname.
BOLL v. to form pods.
BULLINGbulling v. Present participle of bull.
bulling n. The mating of a cow with a bull.
Bulling prop.n. A surname.
BULLIONbullion n. A bulk quantity of precious metal, usually gold or silver, assessed by weight and typically cast as ingots.
bullion n. (Obsolete) Base or uncurrent coin.
bullion n. (Obsolete) Showy metallic ornament, as of gold, silver, or copper, on bridles, saddles, etc.
LINABLElinable adj. Alternative form of lineable.
LINABLE adj. lying in a straight line.
PINBALLpinball n. (Games) A game, played on a device with a sloping base, in which the player operates a spring-loaded…
pinball n. The ball used in pinball.
pinball n. (Figuratively, soccer) A situation where a ball is frantically kicked between many players.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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