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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing B, H, L, S and U

BASHFULbashful adj. Shy; not liking to be noticed; socially timid.
bashful adj. Indicating bashfulness.
BASHFUL adj. shy, timid.
BLUEISHblueish adj. Alternative spelling of bluish.
BLUEISH adj. somewhat blue.
BLUSHEDblushed v. Simple past tense and past participle of blush.
BLUSH v. to become red.
BLUSHERblusher n. (Countable) Agent noun of blush; one who blushes.
blusher n. (Countable, uncountable) Face makeup that makes the cheeks rosier.
blusher n. (Countable) Any of several closely related, edible species of the genus Amanita, including Amanita rubescens…
BLUSHESblushes n. Plural of blush.
blushes n. Embarrassment.
blushes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blush.
BLUSHETblushet n. (Obsolete) A modest girl.
BLUSHET n. a modest, blushing girl.
BULLISHbullish adj. Having a muscular physique, built ’like a bull’.
bullish adj. Aggressively self-confident or assertive; bullheaded.
bullish adj. Optimistic; overly or foolishly optimistic or hopeful.
BULRUSHbulrush n. Any of several wetland plants, mostly in the family Cyperaceae (the sedges)…
BULRUSH n. an aquatic plant, reed-mace, also BULLRUSH.
BURHELSburhels n. Plural of burhel.
BURHEL n. (Hindi) a blue Himalayan sheep.
BUSHELSbushels n. Plural of bushel.
BUSHEL v. to mend or alter e.g. men's clothes.
BUSHFLYbush␣fly n. (Australia) A blow fly of the family Calliphoridae.
BUSHFLY n. a fly which breeds in faeces and dung.
BUSHILYbushily adv. In a bushy manner.
BUSHY adv. having many bushes.
BUSHLOTBUSHLOT n. a woodlot.
HELIBUShelibus n. A large, passenger-carrying helicopter.
HELIBUS n. a scheduled helicopter service.
HUBLESShubless adj. Without a hub.
HUBLESS adj. lacking a hub.
HUMBLEShumbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of humble.
humbles n. Plural of humble.
humbles n. (Archaic) Entrails of a deer.
LOWBUSHlowbush adj. Being, or coming from, a bush of low stature (used in names of certain fruits, such as lowbush blueberry…
LOWBUSH n. a bush with sweet blueberries.
LUBFISHlubfish n. Synonym of stockfish.
LUBFISH n. a kind of stockfish.
PUBLISHpublish v. (Transitive) To issue (something, such as printed work) for distribution and/or sale.
publish v. (Transitive) To announce to the public.
publish v. (Transitive) To issue the work of (an author).
SCHLUBSschlubs n. Plural of schlub.
SCHLUB n. (Yiddish) a stupid or unattractive person, also SHLUB.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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