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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing B, H, I, M and R

BIMORPHbimorph n. A cantilever that consists of two active layers: piezoelectric and metal.
BIMORPH n. a device consisting of two crystals cemented together.
BIOHERMbioherm n. (Geology) A massive, unlayered, mound-shape body in discordant relationship to the surrounding layered…
bioherm n. (Geology) A mass of rock constructed from the remains of marine organisms such as coral or algae.
BIOHERM n. a mound of material laid down by sedentary marine organisms, esp. a coral reef.
BOHRIUMbohrium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol Bh) with an atomic number of 107.
BOHRIUM n. a radioactive element.
BRAHMINbrahmin n. A member of the Hindu priestly caste, one of the four varnas or social groups based on occupation in…
brahmin n. One who has realized or attempts to realize Brahman, i.e. God or supreme knowledge.
brahmin n. A scholar, teacher, priest, intellectual, researcher, scientist, knowledge-seeker, or knowledge worker.
MIHRABSmihrabs n. Plural of mihrab.
MIHRAB n. (Arabic) a niche or slab in a mosque marking the direction of Mecca.
RHOMBICrhombic adj. Having the characteristics of a rhombus.
RHOMBIC adj. of or like a rhombus, an equilateral parallelogram, also RHOMBICAL.
RHOMBOIrhomboi n. Plural of rhombos.
RHOMBOS n. (Greek) a bullroarer, a kind of rattle.
THROMBIthrombi n. Plural of thrombus.
THROMBUS n. (Greek) a clot occluding a blood vessel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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