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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing B, G, N, R and U

BLUNGERblunger n. (Ceramics) The apparatus used for blunging (mixing clay with water to make pottery).
BLUNGER n. a machine or person that blunges, i.e. mixes clay and water.
BRUTINGbruting v. Present participle of brute.
BRUTING n. a process of diamond shaping.
BRUXINGbruxing v. Present participle of brux.
BRUX v. to grind teeth together.
BUNGERSbungers n. Plural of bunger.
Bungers prop.n. Plural of Bunger.
BUNGER n. (Australian slang) a firecracker.
BUNGLERbungler n. Someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence.
BUNGLER n. one who mismanages.
BURGEONburgeon n. (Obsolete) A bud, sprout, shoot.
burgeon v. (Intransitive) To grow or expand.
burgeon v. (Intransitive) To swell to the point of bursting.
BURKINGburking v. Present participle of burke.
BURKE v. to murder by suffocation.
BURLINGburling v. Present participle of burl.
Burling prop.n. A surname.
BURL v. to finish cloth by removing knots.
BURNINGburning v. Present participle of burn.
burning adj. So hot as to seem to burn (something).
burning adj. Feeling very hot.
BURPINGburping v. Present participle of burp.
burping n. The sound of a burp.
burping n. The act by which a baby, or a container of fermenting substance, is burped.
BURRINGburring v. Present participle of burr.
BURR v. to remove the rough edge from, also BUR.
BURYINGburying v. Present participle of bury.
burying n. A burial.
BURY v. to put in the ground and cover with earth.
CURBINGcurbing v. Present participle of curb.
curbing n. A row of curbstones; the material used to construct such a curb.
curbing n. The damage caused to a wheel or tire by curbing (running the wheel or tire into or over a curb).
HORNBUGhornbug n. (Dated) Any of several species of genus Lucanus of large nocturnal beetles, with long, curved upper…
HORNBUG n. a stag-beetle.
REBEGUNrebegun v. Past participle of rebegin.
REBEGIN v. to begin again.
RUBBINGrubbing n. An impression of an embossed or incised surface made by placing a piece of paper over it and rubbing…
rubbing v. Present participle of rub.
RUBBING n. an image produced by rubbing.
RUBYINGrubying v. Present participle of ruby.
RUBY v. to redden.
SUBRINGsubring n. (Algebra) a ring which is contained in a larger ring, such that the multiplication and addition on the…
SUBRING n. a subset of a mathematical ring.
UPBRINGupbring v. (Obsolete) To bring up.
UPBRING v. to bring up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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