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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing B, G, L, M and U

BLUEGUMbluegum n. Alternative form of blue gum.
blue␣gum n. Any of various eucalyptus trees having blueish leaves, especially Eucalyptus globulus.
blue␣gum n. (Slang, offensive) A person of sub-Saharan African origin, referring to the blue coloring around their gumline.
BLUMINGBLUME v. to blossom.
GRUMBLEgrumble n. (Onomatopoeia) A low thundering, rumbling or growling sound.
grumble n. The sound made by a hungry stomach.
grumble n. A surly complaint.
GRUMBLYgrumbly adj. Given to grumbling.
GRUMBLY adj. muttering in discontent.
GUMBALLgumball n. Chewing gum sold as a ball usually coated with colored hard sugar.
gumball n. (Slang) A silly, laughable person.
gumball n. (US, slang) The flashing lights on top of a police car.
GUMBOILgumboil n. (Medicine) A small suppurating inflamed spot on the gum.
GUMBOIL n. an abscess in the gums.
LUMBAGOlumbago n. (Uncountable) Backache of the lumbar region or lower back, which can be caused by muscle strain or a slipped disc.
lumbago n. (Countable) An episode of such backache.
lumbago v. (Transitive) To affect (someone) with lumbago.
LUMBANGlumbang n. The kukui tree.
LUMBANG n. (Tagalog) the candlenut tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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