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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing B, G, I, O and T

BIGFOOTbigfoot v. (Transitive, informal, sometimes capitalized) To control or manage forcefully; to exercise authority over.
bigfoot v. (Intransitive, informal, sometimes capitalized) To behave in an authoritative, commanding manner.
Bigfoot n. (US, Canada, cryptozoology, folklore) A very large, hairy, humanoid creature, similar to the yeti, said…
BIGOTEDbigoted adj. Having the characteristics of a bigot; strongly prejudiced; forming opinions without just cause.
BIGOTED adj. like a bigot, intolerant.
BIGOTRYbigotry n. Characteristic qualities of a bigot: (especially religious, anti-religious or racial) intolerant prejudice…
bigotry n. (Dated) Obstinate prejudice or opinionatedness.
BIGOTRY n. prejudice.
BILTONGbiltong n. (South Africa, Zimbabwe) A South African food categorized by strips of lean meat cured by salting and…
BILTONG n. (South African) a kind of dried meat.
BOATINGboating n. The activity of going out onto a body of water in a boat.
boating n. (Historical) In Persia, a punishment of capital offenders, by laying them on the back in a covered boat…
boating v. Present participle of boat.
BOLTINGbolting v. Present participle of bolt.
bolting n. An act of bolting or running away.
bolting n. A sifting, as of flour or meal.
BOOTINGbooting v. Present participle of boot.
booting n. A kicking, as with a booted foot.
booting n. (Computing) The act by which a computer is booted.
BOTTINGbotting v. Present participle of bot.
BOT v. to cadge.
FROGBITfrogbit n. Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, with roundish leaves and small white flowers, that floats on still water and…
frogbit n. An American plant, Limnobium spongia, with similar propagation.
frogbit n. A South American plant, Limnobium laevigatum.
PIGBOATpigboat n. (Slang, archaic) submarine.
PIGBOAT n. a submarine.
TOMBINGtombing v. Present participle of tomb.
TOMB v. to place in a burial vault.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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