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There are 20 seven-letter words containing B, E, 2T and U

ABUTTEDabutted v. Simple past tense and past participle of abut.
ABUT v. to be adjacent to and touching.
ABUTTERabutter n. One who, or that which, abuts, specifically, the owner of a contiguous estate.
ABUTTER n. a person whose property abuts.
BATTEAUbatteau n. Alternative form of bateau.
BATTEAU n. (Canadian) a boat; especially a flat-bottomed, clumsy boat used on the Canadian lakes and rivers, also BATEAU.
BATTUESbattues n. Plural of battue.
BATTUE n. (French) indiscriminate slaughter; the driving of game towards slaughter.
BLUETITbluetit n. Alternative spelling of blue tit.
blue␣tit n. Cyanistes caeruleus, a small bird of the tit family Paridae, with an azure blue crown and dark blue…
BLUETIT n. a small bird of the tit family.
BLUETTEbluette n. (Dated) A short but scintillating play or other work.
bluette n. A kind of satinette pigeon.
BLUETTE n. (French) a spark, a flash; a short playful piece of music.
BRUTESTBRUTE adj. brutal.
BURETTEburette n. (Chemistry) A glass tube with fine gradations and a stopcock at the bottom, used in laboratory procedures…
burette n. (Religion) An altar cruet.
BURETTE n. (French) a glass measuring tube for liquid, also BURET.
BUTMENTbutment n. (Architecture) A buttress of an arch; the supporter, or that part which joins it to the upright pier.
butment n. (Masonry) The mass of stone or solid work at the end of a bridge, by which the extreme arches are sustained…
BUTMENT n. the base of an architectural arch.
BUTTERSbutters n. Plural of butter.
butters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of butter.
butters adj. (Britain, slang) Ugly.
BUTTERYbuttery adj. Made with or tasting of butter.
buttery adj. Resembling butter in some way, such as yellow color or smooth texture.
buttery adj. (Informal) Marked by insincere flattery; obsequious.
BUTTIESbutties n. Plural of butty.
butties n. Plural of buttie.
BUTTY n. a fellow workman, esp. in a coalmine.
BUTTLEDbuttled v. Simple past tense and past participle of buttle.
BUTTLE v. to act as a butler.
BUTTLESbuttles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of buttle.
BUTTLE v. to act as a butler.
BUVETTEBUVETTE n. (obsolete) in France, a small refreshment bar at the roadside.
KETUBOTketubot n. Plural of ketubah.
KETUBAH n. (Hebrew) a contract that states the obligations in Jewish marriages.
SUBTESTsubtest n. A test that is part of a larger one.
sub-test n. Alternative form of subtest.
SUBTEST n. a subdivision of a test.
SUBTEXTsubtext n. (Authorship) The implicit meaning of a text, often a literary one, or a speech or dialogue.
SUBTEXT n. written or printed matter under a more general text.
TRIBUTEtribute n. An acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration; an accompanying gift.
tribute n. A payment made by one nation to another in submission.
tribute n. Extortion; protection money.
TURBETHturbeth n. Alternative form of turpeth.
TURBETH n. a medicinal plant root, also TURPETH, TURBITH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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