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There are 18 seven-letter words containing B, E, N and 2R

BARNIERbarnier adj. Comparative form of barny: more barny.
BARNY adj. like a barn.
BARRENSbarrens n. Plural of barren.
BARREN n. a tract of infertile land.
BRANDERbrander n. A person who brands.
brander n. An implement used to brand something; a branding iron.
brander v. (Transitive, obsolete) To cook (Meat, etc.) on a gridiron.
BRANNERBranner prop.n. A surname from German.
BRANNER n. one that brans.
BREDRENbredren n. Alternative spelling of bredrin.
BREDREN n. (colloquial) a close male friend, also BREDRIN.
BREDRINbredrin n. (Rastafari) A close male friend, family member, or comrade.
BREDRIN n. (colloquial) a close male friend, also BREDREN.
BRENTERBRENT adj. (Scots) lofty, steep.
BRINERSbriners n. Plural of briner.
Briners prop.n. Plural of Briner.
BRINER n. one that brines.
BRINGERbringer n. A person who, or a thing which, brings something.
BRINGER n. one who brings.
BRINIERbrinier adj. Comparative form of briny: more briny.
BRINY adj. salty.
BRONDERBRONDE adj. of a shade between blonde and brunette.
BRONZERbronzer n. A cosmetic product intended to give the skin a temporary bronzed colour resembling a suntan.
bronzer adj. (Rare) comparative form of bronze: more bronze.
BRONZER n. a tanning cosmetic.
BROWNERbrowner adj. Comparative form of brown: more brown.
browner n. (Cooking) A special dish for cooking food in a microwave oven so that it browns on the outside.
Browner prop.n. A surname.
BURNERSburners n. Plural of burner.
Burners n. Plural of Burner.
BURNER n. one that burns.
ENROBERenrober n. A machine used to coat food, especially confectionery with chocolate.
enrober n. A person who operates such a machine.
ENROBER n. one who enrobes.
PREBORNpreborn adj. (Chiefly in anti-abortion discourse) Not yet born.
PREBORN adj. being carried in the womb, unborn.
REBRANDrebrand v. (Originally marketing) To change the brand name, logo, or image of a product or company.
rebrand n. A change to the brand name, logo, or image of a product or company.
REBRAND v. to change a product's brand name or image.
URBANERurbaner adj. Comparative form of urbane: more urbane.
urbaner n. Synonym of urbanite.
URBANE adj. refined and elegant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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