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There are 15 seven-letter words containing B, E, N and 2O

BOLONEYboloney n. Alternative form of bologna (“sausage”).
boloney n. Alternative form of baloney (“nonsense”).
BOLONEY n. deceptive talk, nonsense; Bologna sausage, also BALONEY.
BONGOESbongoes n. Plural of bongo.
BONGO n. (Bantu) a kind of antelope.
BOOKENDbookend n. A heavy object or moveable support placed at one or both ends of a row of books for the purpose of keeping…
bookend n. (Figurative) Something that comes before, after, or at both sides of something else.
bookend v. (Transitive) To come before and after, or at both sides of.
BOOKMENbookmen n. Plural of bookman.
BOOKMAN n. a scholar, a student.
BOONERSbooners n. Plural of booner.
BOONER n. (Australian slang) a young working class person from Canberra.
BOONESTboonest adj. Superlative form of boon: most boon.
BOON adj. as in boon companion.
BOONIESboonies n. (Slang, informal, US) Boondocks.
BOONIES n. remote, undeveloped country.
BORNEOLborneol n. (Organic chemistry) A bicyclic organic compound and a terpene, easily oxidized to the ketone yielding camphor.
BORNEOL n. an alcohol used in perfumes, also BORNYL.
BOTONEEbotonée adj. Alternative form of botony.
BOTONEE adj. having buds or knobs at the extremities, applied to a cross, also BOTONE, BOTONNEE, BOTTONY.
EOBIONTeobiont n. A hypothetical primordial life-form or chemical precursor to a living organism.
eobiont n. An artificially created creature; a Frankenstein’s monster.
EOBIONT n. a type of basic organism.
GOBONEEgobonee adj. (Heraldry, postpositive) Alternative form of gobony.
GOBONEE adj. composed of squares of alternating colours, also GOBONY.
NETBOOKnetbook n. (Computing) An economical notebook computer.
NETBOOK n. a portable computer smaller than a laptop.
NOCEBOSnocebos n. Plural of nocebo.
NOCEBO n. (Latin) a harmless substance that induces harmful effects in patients having negative expectations.
OBELIONobelion n. (Anatomy) A craniometric point on the sagittal suture between the parietal foramina near the lambdoid suture.
OBELION n. a part of the skull.
OBENTOSobentos n. Plural of obento.
OBENTO n. (Japanese) a thin lightweight compartmented box containing a meal, also BENTO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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