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There are 17 seven-letter words containing B, D, I and 2O

BIODOTSbiodots n. Plural of biodot.
BIODOT n. a temperature-sensitive device stuck to the skin to monitor depression.
BOOBIRDboobird n. (Slang) A spectator at a sporting event who boos the home team.
BOOBIRD n. a fan who boos players of the home team.
BOODIEDboodied v. Simple past tense and past participle of boody.
BOODY v. to sulk or mope.
BOODIESboodies n. Plural of boodie.
boodies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of boody.
BOODIE n. (Native Australian) a species of rat-kangaroo.
BOOGIEDboogied v. Simple past tense and past participle of boogie.
BOOGIE v. to dance to rock music, also BOOGEY, BOOGY.
BOUDOIRboudoir n. A woman’s private sitting room, dressing room, or bedroom.
BOUDOIR n. (French) a woman's bedroom.
BRIDOONbridoon n. A type of snaffle bit, with small rings, usually used on a double bridle in conjunction with a curb bit.
BRIDOON n. (French) a light military bridle, also BRADOON.
COLOBIDcolobid n. (Zoology) Any member of the Colobidae.
COLOBID n. the colobus monkey.
DIABOLOdiabolo n. A juggling apparatus consisting of a spool which is whirled and tossed on a string attached to handsticks.
DIABOLO n. (Italian) a game in which a two-headed top is thrown up and caught on a string stretched between two sticks.
DIOBOLSdiobols n. Plural of diobol.
DIOBOL n. (Greek) an ancient Greek coin, also DIOBOLON.
DOOBIESdoobies n. Plural of doobie.
DOOBIE n. a marijuana cigarette.
DOOBRIEDOOBRIE n. a thing whose name is unknown or temporarily forgotten, a what's-its-name, also DOOBREY, DOOBRY.
GLOBOIDgloboid n. (Mathematics) A spherical representation or projection of a sphere or ellipsoid.
globoid n. Mathematical connotation of globe.
globoid adj. (Mathematics) Of, or pertaining to, a globe.
GOBIOIDgobioid adj. (Zoology) Like, or pertaining to, the goby, or the genus Gobius.
gobioid n. (Zoology) Any fish of this kind.
GOBIOID n. a fish of the goby family, also GOBIID.
OBOVOIDobovoid adj. Approximately obovate in shape.
OBOVOID adj. ovoid with the narrow end at the base.
WOODBINwoodbin n. A bin in which wood is stored.
WOODBIN n. a container for firewood, also WOODBOX.
ZOMBOIDzomboid adj. (Informal) zombielike.
zomboid n. (Informal) A person who resembles a zombie.
ZOMBOID adj. resembling zombies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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