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There are 17 seven-letter words containing B, D, I, L and N

BALADINbaladin n. Alternative form of balladine.
BALADIN n. (French) a (male) theatrical dancer, also BALLADIN.
BALDINGbalding v. Present participle of bald.
balding adj. Becoming bald, especially having male pattern baldness.
Balding prop.n. A surname.
BINDLESbindles n. Plural of bindle.
BINDLE n. the bundle in which a hobo carries all his worldly possessions.
BINGLEDbingled v. Simple past tense and past participle of bingle.
BINGLE v. to style the hair a particular way, midway between a bob and a shingle.
BLADINGblading v. Present participle of blade.
BLADING n. the act of skating on in-line skates.
BLINDEDblinded v. Simple past tense and past participle of blind.
blinded adj. Deprived of sight; thus…
blinded adj. Lacking intellectual discernment, as for example because of greed or stupidity.
BLINDERblinder adj. Comparative form of blind: more blind.
blinder n. Something that blinds.
blinder n. A bag or cloth put over the head of a difficult horse while it is being handled or mounted.
BLINDLYblindly adv. In a blind manner; without sight; sightlessly.
blindly adv. Without consideration or question.
BLIND adv. sightless.
BLINGEDblinged adj. (Slang) Showing a great deal of shiny jewelry.
BLING v. to adopt a flamboyant appearance.
BLINKEDblinked v. Simple past tense and past participle of blink.
blinked adj. Affected with blinking.
blinked adj. (Appalachia) Sour.
BLINNEDblinned v. Past participle of blin.
BLIN v. (Spenser) to cease from, stop.
BOLDINGbolding v. Present participle of bold.
Bolding prop.n. A surname.
BOLD v. to make type bold.
BRINDLEbrindle n. A streaky colouration in animals.
brindle n. An animal so coloured.
brindle adj. Having such a colouration; brindled.
BYLINEDbylined v. Simple past tense and past participle of byline.
bylined adj. Having a byline.
BYLINE v. to write giving the author's name.
NIBBLEDnibbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of nibble.
NIBBLE v. to eat with small bites.
UNBLINDunblind v. (Sometimes figurative) To free from blindness.
unblind v. (Business) To remove the secrecy from (a bid).
unblind v. (Cryptography, transitive) To convert (a blind signature) back to the unblinded state (as opposed to…
UNBUILDunbuild v. (Transitive) To dismantle or deconstruct (something previously built).
UNBUILD v. to demolish; to raze.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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