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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing B, C, I, N and U

BRUCINEbrucine n. (Organic chemistry) An alkaloid related to strychnine, found in several plant species, notably Strychnos…
BRUCINE n. a poisonous alkaloid, also BRUCIN.
BRUCINSBRUCIN n. a poisonous alkaloid, also BRUCINE.
BUBONICbubonic adj. Of or pertaining to buboes.
BUBONIC adj. pertaining to a bubo, an inflammatory swelling of the lymph nodes.
BUCCINAbuccina n. (Historical, music) A curved brass instrument used by the Ancient Roman army.
BUCCINA n. (Latin) a Roman curved trumpet.
BUCKINGbucking v. Present participle of buck.
bucking n. The act or process of soaking or boiling cloth in an alkaline liquid in the operation of bleaching.
bucking n. The liquid used in this process.
BUNCINGbuncing v. Present participle of bunce.
BUNCE v. to disguise pilfering by overcharging customers.
CUBBINGcubbing v. Present participle of cub.
cubbing n. The activities of Cub Scouts.
CUBBING n. cub-hunting.
CURBINGcurbing v. Present participle of curb.
curbing n. A row of curbstones; the material used to construct such a curb.
curbing n. The damage caused to a wheel or tire by curbing (running the wheel or tire into or over a curb).
INCUBUSincubus n. (Mediaeval folklore) An evil spirit supposed to oppress people while asleep, especially to have sex…
incubus n. A feeling of oppression during sleep, sleep paralysis; night terrors, a nightmare.
incubus n. (By extension) Any oppressive thing or person; a burden.
RUBICONrubicon n. A limit that when surpassed cannot be returned from, or an action that when taken cannot be reversed.
rubicon n. (Card games) Especially in bezique and piquet: a score which, if not achieved by a losing player, increases…
rubicon v. (Transitive, card games) Especially in bezique and piquet: to defeat a player who has not achieved the rubicon.
UMBONICumbonic adj. Pertaining to an umbo.
UMBONIC adj. of or like an umbo, the boss of a shield, also UMBONAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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