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There are 15 seven-letter words containing B, C, 2I and S

BASILICbasilic n. A basilica.
basilic adj. Royal; kingly.
basilic adj. Basilican.
BIBASICbibasic adj. (Chemistry) Having two replaceable hydrogen atoms; dibasic.
BIBASIC adj. of acids, having two replaceable hydrogen atoms, also DIBASIC.
BICCIESbiccies n. Plural of biccie.
biccies n. Plural of biccy.
BICCY n. (slang) biscuit, also BICKIE, BIKKIE.
BICHIRSbichirs n. Plural of bichir.
BICHIR n. any of various primitive African freshwater fishes of the genus Polypterus, also BIRCHIR.
BICKIESbickies n. Plural of bickie.
bickies n. Plural of bicky.
BICKIE n. (colloquial) a biscuit, also BICCY, BIKKIE.
BIONICSbionics n. The design of engineering systems, especially electronic ones, based on that of biological systems.
bionics n. Biomimetics.
BIONICS n. the study of the replacement of parts of the body by electronic components.
BIOPICSbiopics n. Plural of biopic.
BIOPIC n. a film telling the life-story of a celebrity.
BIOPSICbiopsic adj. Relating to a biopsy.
BIOPSIC adj. relating to a biopsy.
BIOTICSbiotics n. (Ethics) The promotion of enjoyment and the reduction of suffering.
biotics n. Plural of biotic.
BIOTICS n. the science of living organisms.
BISCUITbiscuit n. (UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, sometimes Canada, rare in the US) A small, flat, baked good which…
biscuit n. (Chiefly North America, rare in Scotland and Guernsey) A small, usually soft and flaky bread, generally…
biscuit n. (UK, Philippines) A cracker.
DIBASICdibasic adj. (Chemistry) (of an acid) containing two replaceable hydrogen atoms.
dibasic adj. (Chemistry) (of a salt) having two atoms of a univalent metal.
DIBASIC adj. of acids, having two replaceable hydrogen atoms.
IAMBICSiambics n. Plural of iambic.
IAMBIC n. a poetic foot consisting of a short then a long syllable, also IAMB, IAMBUS.
SEBIFICsebific adj. (Entomology) relating to the fatty fluid secreted by insects from the colleterium in order to cement eggs together.
SEBIFIC adj. producing fatty matter.
SIBYLICsibylic adj. Alternative form of sibyllic.
SIBYLIC adj. of or like a sibyl, also SIBYLLIC, SIBYLLINE.
VIBICESvibices n. Plural of vibex.
VIBEX n. (Latin) a streak under the skin due to extravasation of blood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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