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There are 13 seven-letter words containing B, C, 2I and O

ABIOTICabiotic adj. Nonliving, inanimate, characterised by the absence of life; of inorganic matter.
abiotic adj. Tending to inhibit or destroy life; antibiotic; incompatible with life.
abiotic n. Any such material.
BIOCHIPbiochip n. (Computing) A microchip made from biological macromolecules (especially DNA) rather than a semiconductor.
biochip n. An identification chip fitted into the flesh of an animal.
BIOCHIP n. a computer logic circuit whose components are formed from biological molecules or structures.
BIOCIDEbiocide n. Any action or substance that can destroy living organisms.
BIOCIDE n. a substance that kills living material.
BIONICSbionics n. The design of engineering systems, especially electronic ones, based on that of biological systems.
bionics n. Biomimetics.
BIONICS n. the study of the replacement of parts of the body by electronic components.
BIONTICbiontic adj. (Biology, rare) Relating to an individual organism.
biontic adj. (Obsolete or nonstandard) Biological.
biontic adj. Misspelling of biotic.
BIOPICSbiopics n. Plural of biopic.
BIOPIC n. a film telling the life-story of a celebrity.
BIOPSICbiopsic adj. Relating to a biopsy.
BIOPSIC adj. relating to a biopsy.
BIOPTICbioptic adj. Related to biopsy.
BIOPTIC adj. relating to biopsy.
BIOTICSbiotics n. (Ethics) The promotion of enjoyment and the reduction of suffering.
biotics n. Plural of biotic.
BIOTICS n. the science of living organisms.
BITCOINbitcoin prop.n. (Uncountable) A decentralized cryptocurrency.
bitcoin n. (Countable) A unit of the bitcoin cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin n. Alternative letter-case form of bitcoin.
CIBORIAciboria n. Plural of ciborium.
CIBORIUM n. (Latin) a vessel for holding eucharistic bread.
COHIBITcohibit v. (Obsolete, transitive) To restrain.
COHIBIT v. to restrain.
COLIBRIColibri prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Trochilidae – the violetears.
COLIBRI n. (Spanish) a type of hummingbird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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