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There are 14 seven-letter words containing B, C, H, I and O

BICHORDbichord n. (Music) A chord of two notes played at the same time.
bichord adj. (Music, of a musical instrument) Having two strings.
BICHORD adj. of a musical instrument, having two strings, esp. two strings for each note.
BIOCHIPbiochip n. (Computing) A microchip made from biological macromolecules (especially DNA) rather than a semiconductor.
biochip n. An identification chip fitted into the flesh of an animal.
BIOCHIP n. a computer logic circuit whose components are formed from biological molecules or structures.
BIOTECHbiotech n. (Uncountable) Biotechnology.
biotech n. (Countable) A company specializing in biotechnology, or stock in such a company.
BIOTECH n. applied biological science.
BOYCHIKboychik n. (Chiefly Jewish) Term of endearment for a young boy, or a young man.
boychik n. (Chiefly Jewish) Term of endearment for any special male with whom one is familiar.
BOYCHIK n. (Yiddish) boy, a term of endearment, also BOYCHICK.
BRIOCHEbrioche n. A type of light sweet pastry or bun of French origin.
brioche n. A knitted cushion for the feet.
BRIOCHE n. (French) a kind of soft roll, made with eggs, butter, flour and yeast.
BRONCHIbronchi n. Plural of bronchus.
BRONCHUS n. (Latin) one of the main forks of the windpipe.
CHIBOLSchibols n. Plural of chibol.
CHIBOL n. a variety of onion, aka spring onion, also CIBOL, CIBOULE, SYBO, SYBOE, SYBOW.
CHIBOUKchibouk n. A Turkish tobacco pipe.
CHIBOUK n. (Turkish) a long straight-stemmed Turkish tobacco pipe, also CHIBOUQUE.
COHABITcohabit v. (Intransitive) To live together with someone else, especially in a romantic and sexual relationship…
cohabit v. (Intransitive) To coexist in common environs with.
cohabit v. (Intransitive, archaic) To engage in sexual intercourse; see coition.
COHIBITcohibit v. (Obsolete, transitive) To restrain.
COHIBIT v. to restrain.
ICHABODIchabod prop.n. (Archaic) A male given name.
Ichabod interj. Expressing regret at a loss of former glory or high standards.
ICHABOD interj. (Hebrew) 'the glory is departed', expressing regret at former glories or higher standards.
PHOBICSphobics n. Plural of phobic.
PHOBIC n. one affected with a phobia.
PIBROCHpibroch n. A series of musical variations for the bagpipes, usually martial or funerary in nature.
PIBROCH n. (Gaelic) a dirge or martial theme for bagpipes.
RHOMBICrhombic adj. Having the characteristics of a rhombus.
RHOMBIC adj. of or like a rhombus, an equilateral parallelogram, also RHOMBICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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