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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing B, C, 2E and U

BECAUSEbecause adv. (Archaic) For the reason (that).
because adv. On account (of), for sake (of).
because adv. (By ellipsis) Used alone to refuse to provide a full answer a question begun with "why", usually taken…
BECURSEbecurse v. (Transitive) To cover with curses; curse all over.
BECURSE v. to put a curse on.
BEDUNCEbedunce v. (Transitive, archaic, rare) To treat as, or reduce to, a dunce; to make stupid.
BEDUNCE v. to make a dunce of.
BERCEAUBERCEAU n. (French) a cradle, a covered walk.
BOUCHEEbouchée n. A small pastry case filled with a savoury mixture, served as an hors d’oeuvre.
BOUCHEE n. (French) a small patty.
BOUCLEEBOUCLEE n. (French) a loop made with forefinger and thumb to guide a billiard stick.
BUCKEENbuckeen n. (Ireland, historical) a poor young man of the lower Anglo-Irish gentry who aspires to the habits and…
BUCKEEN n. (Anglo-Irish) a poor man who acts as if wealthy.
BUCKEYEbuckeye n. Any of several species of trees of the genus Aesculus.
buckeye n. Any of several species of the related Mexican buckeye (genus Ungnadia).
buckeye n. The seed or fruit of these plants.
CRUBEENcrubeen n. An Irish food made from pigs’ feet, usually boiled.
CRUBEEN n. (Irish) a pig's trotter.
EBAUCHEebauche n. Alternative spelling of ébauche used particularly for a partially built watch.
ébauche n. A sketch.
ébauche n. A maquette.
QUEBECSQUEBEC n. (in international radio communication) a code word for the letter q.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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