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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing B, 2C, I and O

BIBCOCKbibcock n. An appliance (typically a valve with a threaded outlet) allowing the provision of hose connections outside…
BIBCOCK n. a tap with a downturned nozzle.
BOCCIASBoccias prop.n. Plural of Boccia.
BOCCIA n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCI, BOCCIE.
BOCCIESBOCCIE n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCI, BOCCIA.
BORACICboracic adj. Relating to, or impregnated with borax.
boracic adj. (Dated, inorganic chemistry) Synonym of boric.
boracic adj. (Cockney rhyming slang) penniless.
BRACCIObraccio n. An Italian measure of length, varying from half a yard to a yard.
BRACCIO n. (Italian) an Italian measure of length.
BUCOLICbucolic adj. Rustic, pastoral, country-styled.
bucolic adj. Relating to the pleasant aspects of rustic country life.
bucolic adj. Pertaining to herdsmen or peasants.
ECBOLICecbolic adj. (Medicine) Producing abortion of a fetus or accelerating childbirth, oxytocic.
ecbolic n. (Medicine) An agent that produces abortion of a fetus or hastens delivery of the same.
ECBOLIC n. a drug used to assist childbirth.
OBCONICobconic adj. (Botany) of a fruit, conical in shape and attached to the stalk by the pointed end.
obconic adj. Conical, but having the apex downward; inversely conical.
OBCONIC adj. conical with the apex below.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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