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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing 2B, E, N and R

KNOBBERknobber n. (Hunting, animal husbandry) The hart in its second year; a young deer.
knobber n. (UK, slang, derogatory) A knobhead; a stupid or obnoxious person.
KNOBBER n. a stag in its second year.
NABBERSnabbers n. Plural of nabber.
NABBER n. one who nabs.
NIBBLERnibbler n. Someone who nibbles.
nibbler n. A tool for cutting sheet metal.
nibbler n. A fish of the sea chub subfamily Girellinae.
NOBBIERnobbier adj. Comparative form of nobby: more nobby.
NOBBY adj. stylish, modish; elegant.
NOBBLERnobbler n. A person who interferes with a racehorse or greyhound in order to prevent it from winning a race.
nobbler n. (Australia, obsolete) A serving of beer or spirits.
nobbler n. (UK, obsolete) A thimbleman’s or cardsharp’s accomplice or shill, who poses as a player of the game…
NUBBERSnubbers n. Plural of nubber.
NUBBER n. in baseball, a weakly hit ball.
NUBBIERnubbier adj. Comparative form of nubby: more nubby.
NUBBY adj. having small protuberances, also NUBBLY.
SNUBBERsnubber n. A device used to suppress ("snub") voltage transients in electrical systems, pressure transients in…
snubber n. (Rare) One who snubs.
SNUBBER n. a device for stopping a rope; a shock absorber.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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