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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing B, E, M, R and S

AMBERSambers n. Plural of amber.
ambers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of amber.
Ambers prop.n. A diminutive of the male given name Ambrose, from Ancient Greek.
BERMESbermes n. Plural of berme.
BERME n. a narrow shelf or path between the bottom of a parapet and the ditch, also BERM.
BRAMESBrames prop.n. Plural of Brame.
BRAME n. (Spenser) a fierce longing.
BREAMSbreams n. Plural of bream.
Breams prop.n. Plural of Bream.
BREAM v. to clean a ship's bottom by burning off seaweed.
BROMESbromes n. Plural of brome.
BROME n. a kind of grass resembling oats, also BROMEGRASS.
BRUMESbrumes n. Plural of brume.
BRUME n. mist or fog.
EMBARSembars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of embar.
EMBAR v. (archaic) to shut in; to put under embargo, also IMBAR.
EMBERSembers n. Plural of ember.
embers n. The smoldering or glowing remains of a fire, smoldering ash.
EMBER n. a small piece of wood or coal from a dying fire.
OMBERSOMBER n. (Spanish) a card game, also OMBRE.
OMBRESombres n. Plural of ombre.
OMBRE n. a card game, also OMBER.
SOMBERsomber adj. (American spelling) Alternative form of sombre.
somber v. (American spelling) Alternative form of sombre.
SOMBER adj. (US) sombre.
SOMBREsombre adj. Dark; gloomy; shadowy, dimly lit.
sombre adj. Dull or dark in colour or brightness.
sombre adj. Melancholic, gloomy, dreary, dismal; grim.
UMBERSumbers n. Plural of umber.
UMBER v. to colour with a brown pigment.
UMBRESumbres n. Plural of umbre.
UMBRE n. the hammerhead, a brown bird related to the storks, also UMBRETTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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