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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing B, E, M, O and R

BEWORMBEWORM v. to cover with worms.
BOMBERbomber n. (Aviation, military) A military aircraft designed to carry and drop bombs.
bomber n. A person who sets bombs, especially as an act of terrorism.
bomber n. (Clothing) Ellipsis of bomber jacket..
BOOMERboomer n. An adult male kangaroo.
boomer n. Something that makes a booming sound.
boomer n. (US, mainly 1920–1930) A transient worker who would move from boom town to boom town in search of temporary work.
BORMEDBORM v. (dialect) to smear with paint or oil.
BROMESbromes n. Plural of brome.
BROME n. a kind of grass resembling oats, also BROMEGRASS.
COMBERcomber n. A person who combs wool, etc.
comber n. A machine that combs wool, etc.
comber n. A long, curving wave breaking on the shore.
EMBRYOembryo n. In the reproductive cycle, the stage after the fertilization of the egg that precedes the development into a fetus.
embryo n. An organism in the earlier stages of development before it emerges from the egg, or before metamorphosis.
embryo n. In viviparous animals, the young animal’s earliest stages in the mother’s body.
HOMBREhombre n. (Chiefly US, in Spanish-speaking contexts, slang) A man, a chap, a guy; especially a Hispanic or Spanish man.
HOMBRE n. (Spanish) a fellow.
MOBBERmobber n. A member of a mob.
MOBBER n. one that mobs.
OMBERSOMBER n. (Spanish) a card game, also OMBRE.
OMBRESombres n. Plural of ombre.
OMBRE n. a card game, also OMBER.
RECOMBrecomb v. (Transitive) To comb again.
RECOMB v. to comb again.
SOMBERsomber adj. (American spelling) Alternative form of sombre.
somber v. (American spelling) Alternative form of sombre.
SOMBER adj. (US) sombre.
SOMBREsombre adj. Dark; gloomy; shadowy, dimly lit.
sombre adj. Dull or dark in colour or brightness.
sombre adj. Melancholic, gloomy, dreary, dismal; grim.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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