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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 9 six-letter words containing B, E, L and 2O

BEFOOLbefool v. (Transitive, archaic) To make a fool out of (someone); to fool, trick, or deceive (someone).
BEFOOL v. to fool; to delude or lead into error.
BLOOEYblooey adj. (Dated, slang) Haywire, amiss.
blooey interj. Exclamation representing an explosion or abrupt occurrence.
BLOOEY adj. (slang) out of order, also BLOOIE.
BLOOIEBLOOIE adj. (slang) out of order, also BLOOEY.
BOLERObolero n. (Dance) A lively Spanish dance in 3/4 time; also an unrelated slower-tempo dance of Cuban origin, in 2/4 time.
bolero n. (Fashion) A type of short, buttonless jacket or blouse, open or tied in front and ending at the diaphragm.
bolero v. (Intransitive) To dance the bolero.
BOODLEboodle n. (Slang) Money, especially when acquired or spent illegally or improperly; swag.
boodle n. (US, dialect) The whole collection or lot; caboodle.
boodle v. (Slang) To engage in bribery.
BOOLEDbooled v. Simple past tense and past participle of bool.
BOOL v. (Scots) to play bowls.
LOBOSElobose adj. (Zoology) Having broad, thick pseudopodia, as certain ameboid protozoans.
LOBOSE adj. having a lobe.
OBOLESoboles n. Plural of obole.
OBOLE n. (French) a medieval French coin.
SOBOLEsobole n. (Botany, archaic) Alternative form of soboles.
SOBOLE n. (Latin) a creeping underground stem.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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