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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing B, E, L, M and R

AMBLERambler n. A slow-moving, comfortable horse or mule.
ambler n. Someone who walks at a leisurely pace; one who ambles.
Ambler prop.n. A surname.
BLAMERblamer n. One who blames.
Blamer prop.n. A surname.
BLAMER n. one who blames.
LAMBERlamber n. A farm worker who supervises the birth of lambs.
lamber n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of lamba (“Madagascan garment”).
LAMBER n. a ewe that is lambing.
LIMBERlimber adj. Flexible, pliant, bendable.
limber v. To cause to become limber; to make flexible or pliant.
limber n. (Military) A two-wheeled vehicle to which a wheeled artillery piece or caisson may be attached for transport.
LUMBERlumber n. (North America) Wood sawn into planks or otherwise prepared for sale or use, especially as a building material.
lumber n. (Now rare) Old furniture or other items that take up room, or are stored away.
lumber n. (Figurative) Useless or cumbrous material.
MARBLEmarble n. (Uncountable, petrology) A metamorphic rock of crystalline limestone.
marble n. (Countable, games) A small ball used in games, originally of marble but now usually of glass or ceramic.
marble n. (In the plural, archaeology) Statues made from marble.
RAMBLEramble n. A leisurely stroll; a recreational walk in the countryside.
ramble n. A rambling; an instance of someone talking at length without direction.
ramble n. (Mining) A bed of shale over the seam of coal.
REMBLEremble v. (Chiefly East Midlands) To move in order to make tidy; to tidy or put away.
REMBLE v. to remove.
RUMBLErumble n. A low, heavy, continuous sound, such as that of thunder or a hungry stomach.
rumble n. (Slang) A street fight or brawl.
rumble n. A rotating cask or box in which small articles are smoothed or polished by friction against each other.
UMBRELumbrel n. (Historical) An umbrere; the visor of a helmet.
UMBREL n. (Spenser) the visor of a helmet, also UMBRERE, UMBRIERE, UMBRIL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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