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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing B, E, I, M and O

BEMOILbemoil v. (Obsolete) To soil or dirty.
BEMOIL v. (Shakespeare) to bemire, bedraggle.
BIOMESbiomes n. Plural of biome.
BIOME n. an extensive ecological community, esp. one with a dominant vegetation.
BOMMIEbommie n. (Australia) A bombora.
bommie n. (UK) A bonfire.
BOMMIE n. (Australian slang) a bombora, a submerged reef.
EMBOILemboil v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To boil with anger; to effervesce.
emboil v. (Obsolete, transitive) To cause to boil with anger; to irritate; to chafe.
EMBOIL v. (obsolete) to burn with anger.
EMBOLIemboli n. Plural of embolus.
EMBOLUS n. (Latin) a clot or air bubble obstructing a blood-vessel.
MOBBIEMOBBIE n. (Caribbean) a frothy beverage made from boiled tree-bark, also MAUBY, MOBBY.
MOBIESmobies n. Plural of moby.
MOBY n. (slang) a mobile phone, also MOBE, MOBEY, MOBIE.
MOBILEmobile adj. Capable of being moved, especially on wheels.
mobile adj. Pertaining to or by agency of mobile phones.
mobile adj. Characterized by an extreme degree of fluidity; moving or flowing with great freedom.
OBEISMobeism n. Alternative form of obiism.
OBEISM n. a form of West Indian witchcraft, also OBEAHISM, OBIISM.
ZOMBIEzombie n. (Voodoo, fiction) A person, usually undead, animated by unnatural forces (such as magic), with no soul…
zombie n. (Figuratively) An apathetic or slow-witted person.
zombie n. (Figuratively) A human being in a state of extreme mental exhaustion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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