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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing B, D, 2E and L

BEADLEbeadle n. A parish constable, a uniformed minor (lay) official, who ushers and keeps order.
beadle n. (Scotland, ecclesiastic) An attendant to the minister.
beadle n. A warrant officer.
BEDELLbedell n. Obsolete spelling of beadle, still in use for ceremonial officials at certain universities.
Bedell prop.n. A surname.
BEDELL n. (obsolete) a minor parish official whose duties include ushering and preserving order, also BEADLE, BEDEL.
BEDELSbedels n. Plural of bedel.
Bedels prop.n. Plural of Bedel.
BEDEL n. (obsolete) a minor parish official whose duties include ushering and preserving order, also BEADLE, BEDELL.
BEFELDBEFALL v. to happen or occur to.
BEHELDbeheld v. Simple past tense and past participle of behold.
BEHOLD v. to view.
BELEEDBELEE v. (Shakespeare) to put on the lee side.
BELIEDbelied v. Simple past tense and past participle of belie.
BELIE v. to misrepresent.
BELLEDbelled adj. Having a bell attached.
belled adj. (Heraldry) Having bells (especially around the neck of an animal).
belled adj. (Of a pipe or tube) Having a thicker hollow end, for example to allow pipes to plug into each other.
BELTEDbelted v. Simple past tense and past participle of belt.
belted adj. (Of a garment) Fitted with a belt.
belted adj. Wearing a belt.
BLEEDSbleeds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bleed.
bleeds n. Plural of bleed.
BLEED v. to lose blood.
BLENDEblende n. (Mineralogy) sphalerite (a naturally-occurring sulfide of zinc).
BLENDE n. (German) a zinc sulphide, often containing some iron.
DEBELSdebels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of debel.
DEBEL v. to conquer in war.
DEBILEdebile adj. (Obsolete) Weak; feeble.
DEBILE adj. (archaic) feeble.
DJEBELdjebel n. Alternative spelling of jebel.
DJEBEL n. (Arabic) a hill, a range of mountains, also JEBEL.
EDIBLEedible adj. Capable of being eaten without harm; suitable for consumption; innocuous to humans.
edible adj. Capable of being eaten without disgust.
edible adj. In which edible plants are grown for human consumption.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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