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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing B, E, I, N and X

BACTERIOTOXINSbacteriotoxins n. Plural of bacteriotoxin.
BACTERIOTOXIN n. a toxin of bacterial origin.
EXCOMMUNICABLEexcommunicable adj. Liable or deserving to be excommunicated.
EXCOMMUNICABLE adj. that can be excommunicated.
EXHIBITIONISMSexhibitionisms n. Plural of exhibitionism.
EXHIBITIONISM n. extravagant behaviour aimed at drawing attention to oneself.
EXHIBITIONISTSexhibitionists n. Plural of exhibitionist.
EXHIBITIONIST n. one who engages in exhibitionism.
EXPERIENCEABLEexperienceable adj. Capable of being experienced.
EXPERIENCEABLE adj. that can be experienced.
EXTENSIBLENESSextensibleness n. The quality of being extensible.
EXTENSIBLENESS n. the state of being extensible.
EXTINGUISHABLEextinguishable adj. Able to be extinguished.
EXTINGUISHABLE adj. that can be extinguished.
EXTRAEMBRYONICextraembryonic adj. (Medicine) Inside the womb, but outside the embryo.
EXTRAEMBRYONIC adj. situated outside the embryo.
FLEXIBLENESSESFLEXIBLENESS n. the state of being flexible.
INEXCUSABILITYinexcusability n. The quality of being inexcusable.
INEXCUSABILITY n. the quality of being inexcusable.
INEXORABLENESSinexorableness n. The quality of being inexorable.
INEXORABLENESS n. the state of being inexorable.
INEXPIABLENESSinexpiableness n. The quality of being inexpiable.
INEXPIABLENESS n. the state of being inexpiable.
INEXPRESSIBLESinexpressibles n. (Colloquial, dated) Breeches, trousers.
INEXPRESSIBLES n. (colloquial) underwear.
INFLEXIBLENESSinflexibleness n. The quality or state of being inflexible.
inflexibleness n. Obstinacy of will or temper; firmness of purpose that will not yield to importunity or persuasion; unbending…
INFLEXIBLENESS n. the state of being inflexible.
OXYHAEMOGLOBINoxyhaemoglobin n. (Biochemistry) The form of haemoglobin, loosely combined with oxygen, present in arterial and capillary blood.
oxyhæmoglobin n. Alternative spelling of oxyhaemoglobin.
OXYHAEMOGLOBIN n. a loose compound of oxygen and haemoglobin, also OXYHEMOGLOBIN.
OXYHEMOGLOBINSoxyhemoglobins n. Plural of oxyhemoglobin.
OXYHEMOGLOBIN n. a loose compound of oxygen and haemoglobin, also OXYHAEMOGLOBIN.
XENOPHOBICALLYxenophobically adv. In a xenophobic manner.
XENOPHOBIC adv. being afraid of foreigners.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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