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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing B, D, G and 2L

BACKPEDALLINGbackpedalling v. (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Britain) present participle of backpedal.
BACKPEDAL v. to pedal backwards.
BALLADMONGERSballadmongers n. Plural of balladmonger.
BALLADMONGER n. a dealer in or composer of ballads.
BALLHANDLINGSBALLHANDLING n. the art of handling a ball.
BEWILDERINGLYbewilderingly adv. In a bewildering manner, or to a bewildering extent.
BEWILDERING adv. BEWILDER, to confuse.
BLOODCURDLINGbloodcurdling adj. Causing great horror or terror.
blood-curdling adj. Causing terror or horror.
BLOODCURDLING adj. arousing fright or horror.
BLOODGUILTIERBLOODGUILTY adj. guilty of shedding blood.
BLOODLETTINGSbloodlettings n. Plural of bloodletting.
BLOODLETTING n. the act of letting blood.
CONGLOBULATEDconglobulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of conglobulate.
CONGLOBULATE v. to form into a ball.
DISOBLIGINGLYdisobligingly adv. So as to disoblige.
DISOBLIGING adv. uncooperative.
DISSEMBLINGLYdissemblingly adv. So as to dissemble or deceive; with dissimulation.
KNOWLEDGEABLEknowledgeable adj. Having knowledge, especially of a particular subject.
knowledgeable adj. Educated and well informed.
knowledgeable n. (India) A person who has knowledge; an informed party.
KNOWLEDGEABLYknowledgeably adv. In a knowledgeable manner.
KNOWLEDGEABLE adv. possessing knowledge, also KNOWLEDGABLE.
MULTIBUILDINGmultibuilding adj. Consisting of, or pertaining to, multiple buildings.
MULTIBUILDING adj. involving many buildings.
RADIOLABELINGradiolabeling v. Present participle of radiolabel.
RADIOLABEL v. to label as radioactive.
ROLLERBLADINGrollerblading v. Present participle of rollerblade.
ROLLERBLADING n. the sport of skating on rollerblades.
SPEEDBALLINGSSPEEDBALLING n. the practice of taking cocaine and heroin taken intravenously.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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