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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing B, D, G, H and N

BALLHANDLINGSBALLHANDLING n. the art of handling a ball.
BENIGHTEDNESSbenightedness n. The quality of being benighted.
BENIGHTEDNESS n. the state of being benighted.
BIGHEADEDNESSbigheadedness n. The quality of being bigheaded.
big-headedness n. The state or quality of being big-headed.
BIGHEADEDNESS n. the state of being bigheaded.
BIRDWATCHINGSBIRDWATCHING n. the occupation of watching birds.
BOARDINGHOUSEboardinghouse n. Alternative spelling of boarding house.
boarding␣house n. A private house in which paying residents are provided with accommodation and meals.
boarding␣house n. A boarding school building where boarders live during term time.
CHILDBEARINGSchildbearings n. Plural of childbearing.
CHILDBEARING n. the process of conceiving, being pregnant with, and giving birth to children.
COACHBUILDINGcoachbuilding n. The construction of coaches.
COACHBUILDING n. the craft of building coaches.
DISBURTHENINGdisburthening v. Present participle of disburthen.
DISBURTHEN v. to get rid of a burden, also DISBURDEN.
DISINHIBITINGdisinhibiting adj. That removes or suppresses inhibitions, that disinhibits.
disinhibiting v. Present participle of disinhibit.
DISINHIBIT v. to remove restraints on (used esp. of drugs affecting behaviour).
FINGERBREADTHfingerbreadth n. A (usually approximate and informal) unit of measurement based upon the radial width of the human finger.
FINGERBREADTH n. the breadth of a finger.
MATCHBOARDINGmatchboarding n. A type of softwood panelling formerly used for walls and ceilings.
MATCHBOARDING n. matchboards collectively.
NEIGHBORHOODSneighborhoods n. Plural of neighborhood.
NEIGHBORHOOD n. (US) neighbourhood.
NEIGHBOURHOODneighbourhood n. (British spelling) alternative form of neighborhood.
NEIGHBOURHOOD n. a district, locality, esp. with reference to its inhabitants as a community, also NEIGHBORHOOD.
PEBBLEDASHINGpebbledashing v. Present participle of pebbledash.
pebble-dashing v. Present participle of pebble-dash.
pebble␣dashing v. Present participle of pebble dash.
SHIPBUILDINGSshipbuildings n. Plural of shipbuilding.
ship-buildings n. Plural of ship-building.
SHIPBUILDING n. the occupation of building ships.
UNDERBRUSHINGunderbrushing v. Present participle of underbrush.
UNDERBRUSH v. to clear of underbrush.
UNNEIGHBOUREDunneighboured adj. Without neighbours.
UNNEIGHBOURED adj. without neighbours, also UNNEIGHBORED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 164 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 22 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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