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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing B, 2C and 2S

ACCESSIBILITYaccessibility n. The quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach; receptiveness.
accessibility n. (Computing, web design) Features that increase software usability for users with certain impairments.
ACCESSIBILITY n. the ability to reach a place with respect to another place.
ARBORESCENCESarborescences n. Plural of arborescence.
ARBORESCENCE n. shape or growth like a tree's.
BACKSCRATCHESbackscratches n. Plural of backscratch.
backscratches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backscratch.
BACKSCRATCH v. to scratch the back; (figurative) to do favours in return for favours, to engage in servile flattery.
BACKSTRETCHESbackstretches n. Plural of backstretch.
back-stretches n. Plural of back-stretch (alternative form of backstretches).
back␣stretches n. Plural of back stretch (alternative form of backstretches).
BANCASSURANCEbancassurance n. (Insurance) A banking and insurance structure in which insurance is sold through the bank or the bank’s…
BANCASSURANCE n. the provision of financial services spanning both banking and insurance.
BRASSICACEOUSbrassicaceous adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling cabbage or other brassicas.
BRASSICACEOUS adj. belonging to the brassica family.
BRONCHOSCOPESbronchoscopes n. Plural of bronchoscope.
BRONCHOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining the windpipe.
CIRCUMSCRIBEScircumscribes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumscribe.
CIRCUMSCRIBE v. to draw a line around, to surround by or as if by a boundary.
CROSSBENCHERScrossbenchers n. Plural of crossbencher.
cross-benchers n. Plural of cross-bencher.
CROSSBENCHER n. an independent member of the House of Lords.
CUBICALNESSESCUBICALNESS n. the state of being cubical.
DECASYLLABICSdecasyllabics n. Plural of decasyllabic.
DECASYLLABIC n. a decasyllabic verse.
OBMUTESCENCESOBMUTESCENCE n. the act of becoming or keeping silent or mute.
OBSOLESCENCESobsolescences n. Plural of obsolescence.
OBSOLESCENCE n. the process of becoming obsolete or the condition of being nearly obsolete.
OCTOSYLLABICSoctosyllabics n. The use of octosyllabic lines in poetry.
OCTOSYLLABIC n. an octosyllabic line.
SCRATCHBOARDSscratchboards n. Plural of scratchboard.
SCRATCHBOARD n. a scraperboard.
SCRATCHBUILDSSCRATCHBUILD v. to build (usually models) from raw materials, as opposed to constructing from kits or buying ready made.
SNOBBOCRACIESSNOBBOCRACY n. government by snobs.
SUBCORIACEOUSsubcoriaceous adj. Slightly leathery.
SUBCORIACEOUS adj. situated below the corium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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