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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing 2B, L, O and U

BIBLIOLATROUSbibliolatrous adj. Relating to or exhibiting bibliolatry.
BIBLIOLATROUS adj. loving books.
BLABBERMOUTHSblabbermouths n. Plural of blabbermouth.
BLABBERMOUTH n. an indiscreetly talkative person.
BLOCKBUSTINGSBLOCKBUSTING n. the act of bringing about the sale of property in an area by stirring up fears of racial change.
BOATBUILDINGSboatbuildings n. Plural of boatbuilding.
BOATBUILDING n. the industry of building boats.
BODYBUILDINGSBODYBUILDING n. the sport of building up one's physique.
BOTTLEBRUSHESbottlebrushes n. Plural of bottlebrush.
bottle␣brushes n. Plural of bottle brush.
BOTTLEBRUSH n. an Australian flower.
BOUILLABAISSEbouillabaisse n. A type of fish soup or stew from Provence, France.
bouillabaisse n. (Figuratively) A mixture.
BOUILLABAISSE n. (French) a kind of fish soup.
BULBOPHYLLUMSSorry, definition not available.
BULBOUSNESSESBULBOUSNESS n. the state of being bulbous.
CONTRIBUTABLEcontributable adj. Capable of being contributed.
CONTRIBUTABLE adj. able to be contributed.
INCOMBUSTIBLEincombustible adj. Not capable of catching fire and burning; not flammable.
incombustible n. Any substance that is not flammable.
INCOMBUSTIBLE adj. not combustible.
INCOMBUSTIBLYincombustibly adv. In an incombustible manner.
INCOMBUSTIBLE adv. not combustible.
OBNUBILATIONSobnubilations n. Plural of obnubilation.
OBNUBILATION n. beclouding or obscuring.
SUPERLOBBYISTsuperlobbyist n. (Politics) An extremely skilled or powerful lobbyist.
SUPERLOBBYIST n. an exceptionally effective lobbyist.
UNOBSERVABLESunobservables n. Plural of unobservable.
UNOBSERVABLE n. something that cannot be observed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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