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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing B, 2N, P and T

ANABAPTISINGanabaptising v. Present participle of anabaptise.
ANABAPTISE v. to rebaptise, also ANABAPTIZE.
ANABAPTIZINGanabaptizing v. Present participle of anabaptize.
ANABAPTIZE v. to rebaptize, also ANABAPTISE.
BICOMPONENTSBICOMPONENT n. a fiber made of two polymers having slightly different physical properties so that the fiber has a permanent crimp and fabrics made from it have inherent bulk and stretchability.
BIOPRINTINGSBIOPRINTING n. the construction of replacement body parts using techniques developed for three-dimensional printing.
BLUEPRINTINGblueprinting v. Present participle of blueprint.
BLUEPRINT v. to draw up a blueprint.
BREVIPENNATEbrevipennate adj. (Ornithology) short-winged; having short wings.
BREVIPENNATE adj. having short wings.
PAINTBALLINGpaintballing v. Present participle of paintball.
PAINTBALLING n. a game in which teams of players simulate a military skirmish, shooting each other with paint pellets that explode on impact, marking the players who have been shot.
PREOBTAININGpreobtaining v. Present participle of preobtain.
PREOBTAIN v. to obtain in advance.
SUBCOMPONENTsubcomponent n. A lesser or secondary component.
SUBCOMPONENT n. a subordinate component.
SUBPANATIONSSUBPANATION n. the doctrine that the body and blood of Christ are locally and materially present in the Eucharist.
UNPATENTABLEunpatentable adj. (Law) Not patentable; that cannot be patented.
UNPATENTABLE adj. not patentable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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