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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing B, 3L and U

BULBOPHYLLUMBulbophyllum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Orchidaceae – certain orchids.
BULLHEADEDLYbullheadedly adv. In a bullheaded manner.
BULLHEADED adv. having a head like that of a bull; (figuratively) headstrong; obstinate.
COLLEMBOLOUSCOLLEMBOLOUS adj. of or like a collembolan, a springtail.
COUNSELLABLEcounsellable adj. (Obsolete) Willing to receive counsel or follow advice.
counsellable adj. (Obsolete) advisable; prudent.
COUNSELLABLE adj. able to be counselled, also COUNSELABLE.
HULLABALLOOShullaballoos n. Plural of hullaballoo.
hullaballoos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hullaballoo.
HULLABALLOO n. a confused noise; an uproar, also HULLABALOO.
INCALCULABLEincalculable adj. (Not comparable) Too much, too vast, or too numerous to enable computation.
incalculable adj. (Not comparable, mathematics) Impossible to calculate.
incalculable adj. (Comparable) Of a person’s mood or character, etc.: impossible to predict.
INCALCULABLYincalculably adv. In an incalculable manner.
INCALCULABLE adv. not capable of being calculated.
KNUCKLEBALLSknuckleballs n. Plural of knuckleball.
KNUCKLEBALL n. a baseball pitch in which the ball is gripped with the knuckles.
LANDLUBBERLYlandlubberly adj. Like a landlubber.
LANDLUBBERLY adj. like a landlubber, a seaman's derogatory name for a landsman.
MULTIBILLIONmultibillion adj. Having a value of several billion (in general, at least two billion).
multi-billion adj. Having more than 1,000,000,000; in the billion range.
multi-billion adj. (In the old numbering system, chiefly Britain), more than 1,000,000,000,000; in the old billion range.
MULTILOBULARmultilobular adj. Having more than one lobule.
MULTILOBULAR adj. having many lobules, also MULTILOBULATE.
MULTIPLIABLEmultipliable adj. Capable of being multiplied.
MULTIPLIABLE adj. that can be multiplied, also MULTIPLICABLE.
REBELLIOUSLYrebelliously adv. In a rebellious manner.
REBELLIOUS adv. given to or engaged in rebellion.
SUBGLACIALLYsubglacially adv. In a subglacial manner; beneath a glacier or ice.
SUBGLACIAL adv. of or relating to the bottom of a glacier or the area immediately underlying a glacier.
SUBLIMINALLYsubliminally adv. In a subliminal manner.
SUBLIMINAL adv. inadequate to produce a sensation or a perception.
TUBULIFLORALTUBULIFLORAL adj. having tubular-shaped flowers, also TUBULIFLOROUS.
ULTRALIBERALultraliberal adj. Extremely liberal.
ultraliberal n. A person of extremely liberal politics.
ULTRALIBERAL n. one who is extremely liberal in politics.
UNRECALLABLEunrecallable adj. Impossible to recall.
UNRECALLABLE adj. not recallable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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