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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing B, G, 2L and M

BALLADMONGERballadmonger n. A seller or composer of ballads.
BALLADMONGER n. a dealer in or composer of ballads.
BEPOMMELLINGbepommelling v. Present participle of bepommel.
BEPOMMEL v. to pommel soundly.
BILINGUALISMbilingualism n. The condition of being bilingual; the ability to speak two languages.
BILINGUALISM n. the ability to speak two languages.
BLACKMAILINGblackmailing v. Present participle of blackmail.
blackmailing n. The act of one who blackmails.
BLACKMAIL v. to extort money from a person by threats.
EMBELLISHINGembellishing v. Present participle of embellish.
embellishing n. An embellishment.
EMBELLISH v. to add beauty to.
GLIOBLASTOMAglioblastoma n. A fast-growing, malignant tumor of the brain.
GLIOBLASTOMA n. a malignant tumour of the central nervous system.
LAMPBLACKINGlampblacking v. Present participle of lampblack.
LAMPBLACK v. to blacken with lampblack.
MEGALOBLASTSmegaloblasts n. Plural of megaloblast.
MEGALOBLAST n. a large erythroblast that appears in the blood esp. in pernicious anemia.
MISLABELLINGmislabelling v. Present participle of mislabel.
mislabelling n. An incorrect labelling.
MISLABEL v. to label incorrectly or falsely.
SCRAMBLINGLYscramblingly adv. With a scrambling motion.
SEMIGLOBULARsemiglobular adj. Roughly having the shape of half a sphere.
SEMIGLOBULAR adj. being in the form of a half globe.
SLUMBERINGLYslumberingly adv. While slumbering; in a state of sleep.
SLUMBERING adv. sleeping.
SYLLABOGRAMSsyllabograms n. Plural of syllabogram.
SYLLABOGRAM n. a written symbol representing a single syllable.
SYMBOLOGICALsymbological adj. Pertaining to a symbology.
SYMBOLOGICAL adj. related to symbology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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