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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing B, E, N, T and Z

BEDAZZLEMENTbedazzlement n. The characteristic of being bedazzled.
BEDAZZLEMENT n. the state of being bedazzled.
BEDIZENMENTSbedizenments n. Plural of bedizenment.
BEDIZENMENT n. the act of bedizening.
BESTIALIZINGbestializing v. Present participle of bestialize.
BESTIALIZE v. to make bestial, also BESTIALISE.
BURNETTIZINGburnettizing v. Present participle of burnettize.
BURNETTIZE v. to subject (wood, fabrics, etc.) to a process of saturation in a solution of chloride of zinc, to prevent decay, also BURNETTISE.
CYBERCITIZENcybercitizen n. An inhabitant of cyberspace.
EMBEZZLEMENTembezzlement n. (Law, business) The fraudulent conversion of property from a property owner.
EMBEZZLEMENT n. the act of embezzling.
EMBLAZONMENTemblazonment n. The act of emblazoning.
emblazonment n. The state of being emblazoned.
EMBLAZONMENT n. the act of emblazoning.
EMBOLIZATIONembolization n. (Surgery) A nonsurgical, minimally invasive procedure that effects the selective occlusion of blood…
EMBOLIZATION n. the process of embolizing, also EMBOLISATION.
ETHYLBENZENEethylbenzene n. (Organic chemistry) The hydrocarbon C6H5-CH2CH3 that is used in the production of styrene.
ETHYLBENZENE n. a liquid aromatic hydrocarbon used chiefly in the manufacture of styrene.
FIBERIZATIONfiberization n. The process of fiberizing.
FIBERIZATION n. the act of fiberizing, also FIBERISATION.
HEBRAIZATIONHebraization n. The act or result of Hebraizing.
HEBRAIZATION n. the act of hebraizing, also HEBRAISATION.
HYPNOTIZABLEhypnotizable adj. Able to be hypnotized.
hypnotizable n. One who is susceptible to hypnosis.
HYPNOTIZABLE adj. capable of being hypnotized, also HYPNOTISABLE.
MAGNETIZABLEmagnetizable adj. Able to be magnetized.
MAGNETIZABLE adj. capable of being magnetized, also MAGNETISABLE.
METABOLIZINGmetabolizing v. Present participle of metabolize.
metabolizing adj. That serves to metabolize a specific class of compound.
METABOLIZE v. to change by a metabolic process, also METABOLISE.
NEBULIZATIONnebulization n. The process of forming nebulae.
nebulization n. The conversion of a liquid to a fine spray.
NEBULIZATION n. the act of nebulizing, also NEBULISATION.
NITROBENZENEnitrobenzene n. (Organic chemistry) A nitro derivative of benzene, C6H5NO2, prepared by reacting benzene with a mixture…
NITROBENZENE n. a poisonous yellow oily liquid with an almond odor that is used esp. in chemical synthesis, as of aniline.
OUTBRAZENINGoutbrazening v. Present participle of outbrazen.
OUTBRAZEN v. to be more brazen than.
SUBERIZATIONsuberization n. (Botany) conversion of the cell walls into cork tissue by development of suberin; commonly taking place…
SUBERIZATION n. the deposition of suberin in the cell walls of cork, also SUBERISATION.
ZALCITABINESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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