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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing B, D, 2S and Y

BLINDSTOREYSBLINDSTOREY n. a storey without windows, such as a gallery in a Gothic church, also BLINDSTORY.
BODYSURFINGSBODYSURFING n. the sport of surfing without a surfboard.
BOUNDARYLESSboundaryless adj. Without a boundary or boundaries.
BUSYBODYINGSBUSYBODYING n. acting like a busybody.
DEOXYRIBOSESdeoxyriboses n. Plural of deoxyribose.
DEOXYRIBOSE n. a pentose sugar obtained by the hydrolysis of DNA, also DESOXYRIBOSE.
DESOXYRIBOSEdesoxyribose n. (Biochemistry) Alternative spelling of deoxyribose.
DESOXYRIBOSE n. a pentose sugar obtained by the hydrolysis of DNA, also DEOXYRIBOSE.
DIHYBRIDISMSDIHYBRIDISM n. the state of being a dihybrid.
DISSYLLABISMdissyllabism n. Alternative form of disyllabism.
DISSYLLABISM n. the fact of having two syllables.
DISSYLLABLESdissyllables n. Plural of dissyllable.
DISSYLLABLE n. a word with two syllables.
DISYLLABISMSDISYLLABISM n. the character of having two syllables.
DOGBERRYISMSdogberryisms n. Plural of dogberryism.
Dogberryisms n. Plural of Dogberryism.
DOGBERRYISM n. the state of being like Dogberry, a foolish meddling person.
DOGSBODYINGSDOGSBODYING n. acting as a dogsbody.
INADMISSIBLYinadmissibly adv. In an inadmissible way.
INADMISSIBLE adv. not admissible.
INDISSOLUBLYindissolubly adv. In an indissoluble manner; in a manner that is unable to be dissolved.
INDISSOLUBLE adv. not dissoluble.
KEYBOARDISTSkeyboardists n. Plural of keyboardist.
KEYBOARDIST n. one who plays the keyboard.
MOLYBDENOSESMOLYBDENOSIS n. a disease of cattle and sheep, caused by an excess of molybdenum in the diet.
MOLYBDENOSISmolybdenosis n. Alternative form of molybdosis.
MOLYBDENOSIS n. a disease of cattle and sheep, caused by an excess of molybdenum in the diet.
SUBSIDIARILYsubsidiarily adv. In a subsidiary way.
SUBSIDIARY adv. subordinate.
SUBSIDIARITYsubsidiarity n. The principle that initiative (whether in government, business or religion) ought to reside at the lowest…
SUBSIDIARITY n. the state of being subsidiary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 99 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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