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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing B, C, M and 2U

BUCKJUMPINGSBUCKJUMPING n. (Australian) a competitive event for buckjumpers in a rodeo.
COLUMBARIUMScolumbariums n. Plural of columbarium.
CUMBROUSNESScumbrousness n. The state or quality of being cumbrous.
CUMBROUSNESS n. the state of being cumbrous.
CUMULONIMBUScumulonimbus n. (Meteorology) A cloud, with a tall structure and a flat base, that is often associated with thunderstorms.
cumulo-nimbus n. Alternative form of cumulonimbus.
CUMULONIMBUS n. a type of cloud.
DECUMBITURESdecumbitures n. Plural of decumbiture.
DECUMBITURE n. the time spent by an invalid in bed.
GUBERNACULUMgubernaculum n. A part or structure that serves as a guide…
GUBERNACULUM n. in mammals, the cord supporting the testicles in the scrotal sac.
HIBERNACULUMhibernaculum n. (Zoology) The place where a hibernating animal shelters for the winter.
hibernaculum n. (Botany) A bud, case, or protective covering that a plant uses to survive the challenging environmental…
HIBERNACULUM n. (Latin) a shelter occupied during the winter by a dormant animal (as an insect or reptile).
MICROTUBULARmicrotubular adj. Of or pertaining to microtubules.
MICROTUBULAR adj. of or like a microtubule.
MICROTUBULESmicrotubules n. Plural of microtubule.
MICROTUBULE n. any of the relatively rigid structures in the cytoplasm of many plant and animal cells.
RAMBUNCTIOUSrambunctious adj. (Chiefly US, informal) Boisterous, energetic, noisy, and difficult to control.
RAMBUNCTIOUS adj. marked by uncontrollable exuberance, unruly, also RUMBUNCTIOUS.
RUMBUNCTIOUSrumbunctious adj. Alternative spelling of rambunctious.
RUMBUNCTIOUS adj. boisterous, unruly, also RAMBUNCTIOUS.
SUBCOMMUNITYsubcommunity n. A community that exists as part of a larger community.
SUBCOMMUNITY n. a distinct grouping within a community.
SUBMOLECULESsubmolecules n. Plural of submolecule.
SUBMOLECULE n. a part of a molecule.
SUBOPERCULUMsuboperculum n. (Anatomy) The lower opercular bone in fishes.
SUBOPERCULUM n. in fishes, a bone below and partly behind the gill cover.
TUBERCULOMAStuberculomas n. Plural of tuberculoma.
TUBERCULOMA n. a slow-growing, circumscribed tuberculous lesion.
UNENCUMBEREDunencumbered adj. Not burdened with worries, cares or responsibilities.
unencumbered adj. Free of encumbrance.
unencumbered adj. (Of property) Not subject to any claims.
UNINCUMBEREDunincumbered adj. Alternative form of unencumbered.
UNINCUMBERED adj. not incumbered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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