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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing B, C, D, O and P

BACKDROPPINGbackdropping v. Present participle of backdrop.
BACKDROP v. to create a background for a stage.
BASIDIOCARPSbasidiocarps n. Plural of basidiocarp.
BASIDIOCARP n. the fruiting body of basidiomycetous fungi; the mushroom of agarics.
BIOPESTICIDEbiopesticide n. Any naturally-occurring (rather than synthetic) pesticide.
BIOPESTICIDE n. a biological pesticide.
BRANCHIOPODSbranchiopods n. Plural of branchiopod.
BRANCHIOPOD n. any of a subclass of Crustacea with numerous flattened, leaf-shaped, lobed swimming-feet.
CLAPBOARDINGclapboarding v. Present participle of clapboard.
CLAPBOARD v. to cover with clapboard.
CLAPPERBOARDclapperboard n. (Film) A device used in film production, having hinged boards that are brought together with a clap…
clapper␣board n. (Film) Alternative form of clapperboard.
CLAPPERBOARD n. a hinged board (or a set of hinged boards) clapped together in front of the camera before or after shooting a piece of film, to help synchronize sound and vision.
COMPOUNDABLEcompoundable adj. That can be compounded.
COMPOUNDABLE adj. that can be compounded.
DECOMPOSABLEdecomposable adj. Able to be decomposed.
DECOMPOSABLE adj. that can be decomposed.
DIPLOBIONTICdiplobiontic adj. (Botany) Describing a plant or fungus where both the haploid and diploid phases are represented by a…
DIPLOBIONTIC adj. of or like a diplobiont, an organism that has both haploid and diploid individuals in its life cycle.
DIPLOBLASTICdiploblastic adj. (Biology) Having two embryonic germ layers (the ectoderm and the endoderm).
DIPLOBLASTIC adj. having ectoderm and endoderm but no mesoderm, as in coelenterates.
OBCOMPRESSEDobcompressed adj. Compressed or flattened anteroposteriorly, or in a way opposite to the usual one.
OBCOMPRESSED adj. flattened from front to back.
PROBOSCIDEANproboscidean n. Any of various large, herbivorous mammals, of the order Proboscidea, that have a trunk; the elephants.
PROBOSCIDEAN n. any of an order of large mammals comprising the elephants and extinct related forms, also PROBOSCIDIAN.
PROBOSCIDIANproboscidian adj. Alternative spelling of proboscidean.
proboscidian n. Alternative spelling of proboscidean.
PROBOSCIDIAN n. any of an order of large mammals comprising the elephants and extinct related forms, also PROBOSCIDEAN.
REPRODUCIBLEreproducible adj. (Of a measurement, experiment etc) Capable of being reproduced at a different time or place and by different people.
reproducible n. Something that can be reproduced.
REPRODUCIBLE adj. that can be reproduced.
REPRODUCIBLYreproducibly adv. In a reproducible manner; in a manner that can be copied.
REPRODUCIBLE adv. that can be reproduced.
SCRAPERBOARDscraperboard n. (Art) scratchboard.
SCRAPERBOARD n. a clay-surface board on which drawings can be made by scraping tints off as well as applying them.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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