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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2B, L and 2R

BALLBREAKERSballbreakers n. Plural of ballbreaker.
ball-breakers n. Plural of ball-breaker.
BALLBREAKER n. (offensive) an aggressively feminist woman.
BARBARICALLYbarbarically adv. In a barbaric manner.
BARBARIC adv. uncivilized.
BLACKBERRIEDblackberried v. Simple past tense and past participle of blackberry.
BlackBerried adj. (Informal) Carrying and/or using a BlackBerry device.
BlackBerried v. Simple past tense and past participle of BlackBerry.
BLACKBERRIESblackberries n. Plural of blackberry.
blackberries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blackberry.
BlackBerries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of BlackBerry.
BLACKBIRDERSblackbirders n. Plural of blackbirder.
BLACKBIRDER n. (Australian slang) a person engaged in press-ganging or kidnapping labourers in the south Pacific region for work on the sugar plantations; a slave trader.
BROOMBALLERSbroomballers n. Plural of broomballer.
BROOMBALLER n. (Canadian) one who plays broomball.
BUFFALOBERRYbuffaloberry n. Any of several shrubs, of the genus Shepherdia, native to North America.
buffaloberry n. The edible berry of these plants.
buffalo-berry n. Alternative spelling of buffaloberry.
CORROBORABLEcorroborable adj. Capable of being corroborated.
CORROBORABLE adj. able to be corroborated.
HARDSCRABBLEhardscrabble adj. (Of land) Requiring much work to farm, and ultimately not very productive.
hardscrabble adj. (By extension) Involving hard work and struggle.
hard-scrabble adj. Alternative form of hardscrabble.
IRREBUTTABLEirrebuttable adj. Not rebuttable.
IRREBUTTABLE adj. not capable of being rebutted.
REIMBURSABLEreimbursable adj. Capable of being reimbursed.
reimbursable n. Something the expense for which can be reimbursed.
REIMBURSABLE adj. capable of being reimbursed.
REMEMBERABLErememberable adj. Capable or worthy of being remembered.
REMEMBERABLE adj. capable of being remembered.
REMEMBERABLYrememberably adv. Such that it may be remembered; memorably.
REMEMBERABLE adv. capable of being remembered.
SUBLIBRARIANsublibrarian n. An under or assistant librarian.
SUBLIBRARIAN n. a subordinate librarian.
SUBORBICULARsuborbicular adj. Almost orbicular.
SUBORBICULAR adj. almost orbicular, nearly circular.
SUBUMBRELLARsubumbrellar adj. Underneath the umbrella (of a jelyfish).
subumbrellar adj. Relating to a subumbrella.
SUBUMBRELLAR adj. relating to the subumbrella, the concave undersurface of a jellyfish.
SUBVERTEBRALsubvertebral adj. (Anatomy) Situated beneath, or on the ventral side of, the vertebral column.
subvertebral adj. (Anatomy) Situated beneath, or inside of, the endoskeleton; hypaxial; hyposkeletal.
SUBVERTEBRAL adj. situated below the vertebrae.
THIMBLEBERRYthimbleberry n. Rubus parviflorus, a species of Rubus, native to western and northern North America, from Alaska east…
thimbleberry n. The fruit of the above plant.
thimbleberry n. The black raspberry, Rubus occidentalis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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