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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing 2B, 2I and P

BIBLIOGRAPHYbibliography n. A section of a written work containing citations, not quotations, to all the books referred to in the work.
bibliography n. A list of books or documents relevant to a particular subject or author.
bibliography n. The study of the history of books in terms of their classification, printing and publication.
BIBLIOPEGIESBIBLIOPEGY n. the art of binding books.
BIBLIOPEGISTbibliopegist n. Synonym of bookbinder.
BIBLIOPEGIST n. a bookbinder.
BIBLIOPHILESbibliophiles n. Plural of bibliophile.
BIBLIOPHILE n. a lover of books, also BIBLIOPHIL.
BIBLIOPHILICbibliophilic adj. Having, or pertaining to, bibliophilia (the love of books).
BIBLIOPHILIC adj. loving books.
BIBLIOPHOBIAbibliophobia n. The fear or dislike of books.
BIBLIOPHOBIA n. fear of books.
BIBLIOPOLISTbibliopolist n. Bibliopole.
BIBLIOPOLIST n. a bookseller.
POSTBIBLICALpostbiblical adj. After the publication of the Bible.
POSTBIBLICAL adj. belonging to the period after the Bible.
PROBABILISMSprobabilisms n. Plural of probabilism.
PROBABILISM n. the belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute.
PROBABILISTSprobabilists n. Plural of probabilist.
PROBABILIST n. an advocate of probabilism, the belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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