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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2B, D, I and O

BILLBOARDINGbillboarding n. (Computer graphics) A technique in three-dimensional graphics in which a sprite is rendered perpendicular…
BILLBOARD v. to advertise by means of billboards.
BIOFEEDBACKSbiofeedbacks n. Plural of biofeedback.
BIOFEEDBACK n. a technique for learning control of autonomic body functions in response to monitoring by electronic instruments such as an electrocardiograph.
BLOODMOBILESbloodmobiles n. Plural of bloodmobile.
BLOODMOBILE n. a vehicle used to carry blood.
BOATBUILDERSboatbuilders n. Plural of boatbuilder.
BOATBUILDER n. one that builds boats.
BOATBUILDINGboatbuilding n. The construction of a boat or boats.
BOATBUILDING n. the industry of building boats.
BOBSLEDDINGSBOBSLEDDING n. riding in a bobsled.
BODYBOARDINGbodyboarding n. A water sport, similar to surfing, in which one kneels or lies on a bodyboard and is carried by breaking waves.
bodyboarding v. Present participle of bodyboard.
BODYBOARDING n. the sport of riding a surfboard that is shorter and blunter than a standard board.
BODYBUILDERSbodybuilders n. Plural of bodybuilder.
BODYBUILDER n. one who engages in bodybuilding.
BODYBUILDINGbodybuilding n. A sport in which the aesthetics of muscular development is the basis for competition.
bodybuilding n. (Dated) Work done to construct or repair the body of an automobile.
body-building n. Alternative form of bodybuilding.
BOOKBINDINGSbookbindings n. Plural of bookbinding.
BOOKBINDING n. the art or trade of binding books.
BRIDGEBOARDSbridgeboards n. Plural of bridgeboard.
BRIDGEBOARD n. a board on both sides of a staircase that is cut to support the treads and risers.
BUSYBODYINGSBUSYBODYING n. acting like a busybody.
SUBABDOMINALsubabdominal adj. (Anatomy) Beneath the abdomen.
SUBABDOMINAL adj. relating to the lower abdomen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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