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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing B, T, 2U and Y

BEAUTEOUSLYbeauteously adv. In a beauteous manner.
BEAUTEOUS adv. beautiful.
BEAUTIFULLYbeautifully adv. In a beautiful manner.
BEAUTIFUL adv. fair to look at.
BOUNTEOUSLYbounteously adv. In a bounteous manner.
BOUNTEOUS adv. generous.
BOUNTIFULLYbountifully adv. In a bountiful manner.
BOUNTIFUL adv. generous in giving.
BUMPTIOUSLYbumptiously adv. In a bumptious manner.
BUMPTIOUS adv. offensively conceited or self-assertive.
BUTYRACEOUSbutyraceous adj. Of, pertaining to or containing butter; buttery.
BUTYRACEOUS adj. resembling, producing or having the qualities of butter, also BUTYROUS.
FUSSBUDGETYfussbudgety adj. Like a fussbudget; tending to fuss or complain about trivial matters.
FUSSBUDGETY adj. like a fussbudget, a person who fusses about unimportant things.
OUTBULLYINGoutbullying v. Present participle of outbully.
OUTBULLY v. to surpass in bullying.
PUDIBUNDITYPUDIBUNDITY n. the state of being pudibund.
RUBICUNDITYrubicundity n. The state or condition of being rubicund; ruddiness, redness.
RUBICUNDITY n. the state of being rubicund.
SUBINDUSTRYsubindustry n. An industry that makes up part of a larger industry.
SUBINDUSTRY n. a subordinate industry.
SUBTREASURYsubtreasury n. A subordinate treasury, or place of deposit.
SUBTREASURY n. a subordinate treasury.
SUBURBANITYsuburbanity n. The quality of being suburban.
SUBURBANITY n. the state of being suburban.
TROUBLOUSLYtroublously adv. In a troublous manner.
TROUBLOUS adv. (archaic) troublesome.
TURBULENTLYturbulently adv. In a turbulent manner.
TURBULENT adv. tumultuous, violently disturbed.
UNDOUBTEDLYundoubtedly adv. Without doubt; definitely.
UNDOUBTED adv. not doubted.
UNUTTERABLYunutterably adv. In an unutterable manner; inexpressibly.
UNUTTERABLE adv. that cannot be uttered, also INUTTERABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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