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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing B, I, N, V and Y

AMBIVALENCYAMBIVALENCY n. simultaneous and contradictory feelings toward something, also AMBIVALENCE.
BELIEVINGLYbelievingly adv. In a believing manner.
BELIEVING adv. accepting as true or real.
BICONCAVITYbiconcavity n. The quality of being biconcave.
BICONCAVITY n. the state of being biconcave.
BICONVEXITYbiconvexity n. The quality of being biconvex.
BICONVEXITY n. the state of being biconvex.
CONCEIVABLYconceivably adv. In a conceivable manner; possibly.
CONCEIVABLE adv. that can be conceived of.
CONVERTIBLYconvertibly adv. In a convertible manner.
CONVERTIBLE adv. that can be converted.
INADVISABLYinadvisably adv. In an inadvisable or ill-advised manner; against better advice; rashly.
INADVISABLE adv. not advisable.
INDIVISIBLYindivisibly adv. In an indivisible manner.
INDIVISIBLE adv. that cannot be divided.
INNAVIGABLYinnavigably adv. In an innavigable manner.
INNAVIGABLE adv. that cannot be navigated.
INVIABILITYinviability n. (Biology) The state or quality of not being viable.
INVIABILITY n. the state of being inviable.
OBSERVINGLYobservingly adv. Attentively, observantly.
OBSERVING adv. OBSERVE, to look attentively.
OVERBUSYINGoverbusying v. Present participle of overbusy.
OVERBUSY v. to occupy oneself too much.
PREVENTIBLYPREVENTIBLE adv. that can be prevented, also PREVENTABLE.
UNADVISABLYunadvisably adv. Alternative form of inadvisably.
UNADVISABLE adv. not advisable.
UNAVAILABLYunavailably adv. In an unavailable manner.
UNAVAILABLE adv. not available.
UNAVOIDABLYunavoidably adv. In an unavoidable manner.
UNAVOIDABLE adv. that cannot be avoided.
VENDIBILITYvendibility n. The quality or state of being vendible, or salable.
VENDIBILITY n. the state of being vendible.
VIBRATINGLYvibratingly adv. In a vibrating way; accompanied by vibrations.
VIBRATING adv. VIBRATE, to move back and forward rapidly.
VINCIBILITYvincibility n. The quality of being vincible.
VINCIBILITY n. the state of being vincible, also VINCIBLENESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 43 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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