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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing B, H, P and 2R

BARBERSHOPSbarbershops n. Plural of barbershop.
barbershops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of barbershop.
barber␣shops n. Plural of barber shop.
BAROGRAPHICbarographic adj. Measured using a barograph.
BAROGRAPHIC adj. relating to the measurement of pressure.
BARYSPHERESbaryspheres n. Plural of barysphere.
BARYSPHERE n. the area of earth underlying the lithosphere.
BIOGRAPHERSbiographers n. Plural of biographer.
BIOGRAPHER n. a writer of a biography.
BRACHYPRISMBRACHYPRISM n. a prism parallel to the brachydiagonal.
BURSARSHIPSbursarships n. Plural of bursarship.
BURSARSHIP n. the office of a bursar.
HYPERBOREANhyperborean n. (Greek mythology) One of a race of people living in the extreme north, beyond the north wind.
hyperborean n. (Usually humorous) Any person living in a northern country, or to the north.
hyperborean adj. Pertaining to the extreme north of the earth, or (usually jocular) to a specific northern country or area.
HYPERCARBIAhypercarbia n. (Medicine) the condition of having an abnormally high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.
HYPERCARBIA n. hypercapnia, also HYPERCAPNIA.
PROHIBITERSprohibiters n. Plural of prohibiter.
PROHIBITER n. one who prohibits, also PROHIBITOR.
PROHIBITORSprohibitors n. Plural of prohibitor.
PROHIBITOR n. one who prohibits, also PROHIBITER.
PROHIBITORYprohibitory adj. That serves to prohibit or forbid.
PROHIBITORY adj. serving to prohibit.
PROSOBRANCHprosobranch n. (Zoology) A gastropod with gills in front of the heart, formerly thought to belong to a single group.
prosobranch adj. (Of gills) Placed in front of the heart.
prosobranch adj. (Of a gastropod) Having gills placed in front of the heart.
PROTHROMBINprothrombin n. (Biochemistry) A glycoprotein, produced in the liver, that is converted into thrombin during bleeding…
PROTHROMBIN n. a protein-like substance present in blood plasma.
REPUBLISHERrepublisher n. Agent noun of republish; one who republishes.
REPUBLISHER n. one who republishes.
SHARPBENDERSHARPBENDER n. an organization that has been underperforming its competitors but suddenly becomes more successful.
SHIPBROKERSshipbrokers n. Plural of shipbroker.
SHIPBROKER n. a broker for the sale, insurance etc. of ships.
SHOPBREAKERshopbreaker n. One who breaks into a shop with unlawful intent.
SHOPBREAKER n. a person who breaks into a shop.
STEPBROTHERstepbrother n. The son of one’s stepparent who is not the son of either of one’s biological parents.
stepbrother n. The stepson of one’s parent who is not one’s half-brother.
step-brother n. Alternative form of stepbrother.
SUPERBRIGHTsuperbright adj. Extremely luminous.
SUPERBRIGHT adj. very bright.
VIBROGRAPHSvibrographs n. Plural of vibrograph.
VIBROGRAPH n. an instrument for recording vibrations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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