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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing B, H, I, O and W

BESHADOWINGbeshadowing v. Present participle of beshadow.
BESHADOW v. to cast a shadow on.
BOWHUNTINGSBOWHUNTING n. the act of hunting with a bow and arrow.
BRIGHTWORKSbrightworks n. Plural of brightwork.
BRIGHTWORK n. polished metal on cars etc.
BROWNSHIRTSbrownshirts n. Plural of brownshirt.
Brownshirts n. Plural of Brownshirt.
brown␣shirts n. Plural of brown shirt.
HEREINBELOWhereinbelow adv. Synonym of hereinunder.
HEREINBELOW adv. at a subsequent point in this writing or document.
HIGHBROWISMhighbrowism n. Highbrow attitudes and policies generally.
HIGHBROWISM n. the state of being a highbrow.
SHOWBIZZIERSHOWBIZZY adj. of or like showbiz, show business.
SHOWBOATINGshowboating v. Present participle of showboat.
SHOWBOAT v. to show off.
SWITCHBOARDswitchboard n. (Telecommunications) The electronic panel that is used to direct telephone calls to the desired recipient.
switchboard n. (Electrical engineering) A large piece of power-distribution equipment that directs electricity to multiple loads.
SWITCHBOARD n. a board or frame bearing apparatus for making or breaking an electric current or circuit.
WEIGHBOARDSweighboards n. Plural of weighboard.
WEIGHBOARD n. a thin geological seam separating larger strata, also WAYBOARD.
WHIRLABOUTSwhirlabouts n. Plural of whirlabout.
WHIRLABOUT n. anything that whirls around; a whirligig.
WHITEBOARDSwhiteboards n. Plural of whiteboard.
WHITEBOARD n. a board, used for teaching or presentation purposes, similar to a blackboard but with a white plastic surface for writing on using felt-tipped pens.
WHITEBOYISMWhiteboyism prop.n. (Historical) The conduct or principles of the Whiteboys.
WHITEBOYISM n. the principles of the Whiteboys, an association of Irish peasants.
WILLOWHERBSwillowherbs n. Plural of willowherb.
WILLOWHERB n. a perennial herb of the evening primrose family with willowlike leaves and seeds.
WITCHBROOMSWITCHBROOM n. a dense abnormal growth of shoots on a tree or other woody plant, usually caused by parasitic fungi of the genus Taphrina.
WORSHIPABLEworshipable adj. Capable of being worshipped; worthy of veneration.
WORSHIPABLE adj. capable of being worshipped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 106 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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