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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing B, G, I, U and Z

BRUTALIZINGbrutalizing adj. Cruel, harsh, or otherwise insensitive.
brutalizing v. Present participle of brutalize.
BRUTALIZE v. to make brutal, also BRUTALISE.
BUMFUZZLINGbumfuzzling v. Present participle of bumfuzzle.
BUMFUZZLE v. to confuse.
BURGLARIZEDburglarized v. Simple past tense and past participle of burglarize.
BURGLARIZE v. to commit burglary, also BURGLARISE.
BURGLARIZESburglarizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of burglarize.
BURGLARIZE v. to commit burglary, also BURGLARISE.
CARBURIZINGcarburizing v. Present participle of carburize.
CARBURIZE v. to combine with carbon, also CARBURISE.
GABERLUNZIEgaberlunzie n. (Scotland, historical) A licensed beggar.
gaberlunzie n. (Scotland, historical) A pouch carried by a strolling beggar.
GABERLUNZIE n. (Scots) a wandering beggar or a harmless hobo.
PUBLICIZINGpublicizing v. Present participle of publicize.
PUBLICIZE v. to make public, also PUBLICISE.
RUBBERIZINGrubberizing v. Present participle of rubberize.
RUBBERIZE v. to coat with rubber, also RUBBERISE.
SUBFREEZINGsubfreezing adj. Colder than the freezing point of water; below 0 degrees C or 32 degrees F.
SUBFREEZING adj. below freezing.
SUBLIMIZINGsublimizing v. Present participle of sublimize.
SUBLIMIZE v. to make sublime, also SUBLIMISE.
SUBSIDIZINGsubsidizing v. Present participle of subsidize.
SUBSIDIZE v. to furnish with a subsidy, also SUBSIDISE.
SUBTILIZINGsubtilizing v. Present participle of subtilize.
SUBTILIZE v. to make subtle; now esp. to argue subtly on, also SUBTILISE.
UNBAPTIZINGunbaptizing v. Present participle of unbaptize.
UNBAPTIZE v. to undo the effects of baptism, also UNBAPTISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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