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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing B, G, H, L and U

BACKHAULINGbackhauling v. Present participle of backhaul.
BACKHAUL v. to return after delivering a cargo.
BULLFIGHTERbullfighter n. One who engages in bullfighting; a toreador or matador.
BULLFIGHTER n. one who takes part in a bullfight, a matador.
BUSHELLINGSbushellings n. Plural of bushelling.
BUSHELLING n. mending or altering eg men's clothes.
BUSHWALKINGbushwalking n. (Australia, New Zealand) The activity of hiking or backpacking.
bushwalking v. Present participle of bushwalk.
BUSHWALKING n. hiking through the bush as a leisure activity.
CLUBHAULINGclubhauling n. (Nautical) A risky maneuver whereby a sail-boat tacks (turns into and through the wind) by dropping…
clubhauling v. Present participle of clubhaul.
CLUBHAUL v. to force a sailing vessel onto a new tack.
HUMBLEBRAGShumblebrags n. Plural of humblebrag.
HUMBLEBRAG v. to make a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance.
HUMBUGGABLEhumbuggable adj. (Dated) Able to be deceived.
HUMBUGGABLE adj. capable of being humbugged.
NEIGHBOURLYneighbourly adj. (Britain, Canada) Showing the qualities of a friendly and helpful neighbour.
NEIGHBOURLY adj. like a neighbour, also NEIGHBORLY.
OUTBLUSHINGoutblushing v. Present participle of outblush.
OUTBLUSH v. to surpass in blushing.
PLOUGHBACKSPLOUGHBACK n. the reinvestment of profits, also PLOWBACK.
PUBLISHINGSpublishings n. Plural of publishing.
PUBLISHING n. the business of printing and issuing to the public.
ULTRABRIGHTultrabright adj. Very bright.
UNBLENCHINGunblenching adj. Unblanching; resolute.
UNBLENCHING adj. not blenching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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