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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing B, F, T and 2U

BEAUTIFULLYbeautifully adv. In a beautiful manner.
BEAUTIFUL adv. fair to look at.
BOUNTIFULLYbountifully adv. In a bountiful manner.
BOUNTIFUL adv. generous in giving.
COUNTERBUFFcounterbuff n. A buff (strike) in return; a counterblow.
counterbuff v. To strike or drive back or in an opposite direction; to stop by a blow or impulse in front.
COUNTERBUFF v. to rebuff.
FANTABULOUSfantabulous adj. (Slang) Wonderful, marvelous, outstanding. Both fantastic and fabulous.
FANTABULOUS adj. (slang) marvellously excellent.
FUNAMBULATEfunambulate v. (Intransitive) To walk on ropes; to tightrope-walk.
FUNAMBULATE v. to walk the tightrope.
FUNAMBULISTfunambulist n. A tightrope walker or a similar performer on a slack rope.
FUNAMBULIST n. a tightrope walker.
FUSSBUDGETSfussbudgets n. Plural of fussbudget.
fuss-budgets n. Plural of fuss-budget.
FUSSBUDGET n. (US) one who is fussy about unimportant things.
FUSSBUDGETYfussbudgety adj. Like a fussbudget; tending to fuss or complain about trivial matters.
FUSSBUDGETY adj. like a fussbudget, a person who fusses about unimportant things.
MISDOUBTFULmisdoubtful adj. (Now rare) Misgiving; doubting, suspicious.
MISDOUBTFUL adj. (Spenser) suspicious.
OUTBLUFFINGoutbluffing v. Present participle of outbluff.
OUTBLUFF v. to surpass in bluffing.
OUTFUMBLINGoutfumbling v. Present participle of outfumble.
OUTFUMBLE v. to surpass in fumbling.
SUBAFFLUENTsubaffluent adj. Between the poverty line and affluence.
SUBAFFLUENT adj. less than affluent.
SUBTERFUGESsubterfuges n. Plural of subterfuge.
SUBTERFUGE n. deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal or evade.
TUBIFLOROUStubiflorous adj. (Botany) Having tubular flowers.
TUBIFLOROUS adj. having tubular flowers.
TUMBLERFULStumblerfuls n. Plural of tumblerful.
TUMBLERFUL n. as much as a tumbler will hold.
TUMBLERSFULtumblersful n. Plural of tumblerful.
TUMBLERFUL n. as much as a tumbler will hold.
UNBEAUTIFULunbeautiful adj. Not beautiful; ugly or inelegant.
UNBEAUTIFUL adj. not beautiful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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