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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing B, E, H, R and V

BEHAVIORISMbehaviorism n. An approach to psychology focusing on observable behavior which, generally assuming that behavior is…
BEHAVIORISM n. (US) the psychological theory that behaviour is governed by conditioning rather than internal processes and that by changing behaviour patterns it is possible to treat psychological disorders, also BEHAVIOURISM.
BEHAVIORISTbehaviorist n. One who studies behavior of humans or animals.
BEHAVIORIST n. a student of behaviorism.
BEHAVIOURALbehavioural adj. (British spelling) Of or pertaining to behaviour.
BEHAVIOURAL adj. relating to behaviour, also BEHAVIORAL.
BESHIVERINGBESHIVER v. to break into small pieces.
HARVESTABLEharvestable adj. Capable of, or suitable for, being harvested.
HARVESTABLE adj. that can be harvested.
HERBIVORIESHERBIVORY n. the eating of grass.
HERBIVOROUSherbivorous adj. Feeding chiefly on plants.
HERBIVOROUS adj. eating plants.
HEREINABOVEhereinabove adv. Above this, in this document.
HEREINABOVE adv. at a prior point in this writing or document.
HOVERBOARDShoverboards n. Plural of hoverboard.
HOVERBOARD n. a narrow horizontal board with wheels at each end, on which a person may stand upright and move by leaning forwards.
MISBEHAVERSmisbehavers n. Plural of misbehaver.
MISBEHAVER n. one who misbehaves.
MISBEHAVIORmisbehavior n. (American spelling) Action or conduct that is inappropriate, improper, incorrect, or unexpected.
MISBEHAVIOR n. bad behaviour, also MISBEHAVIOUR.
OVERBREATHEoverbreathe v. (Intransitive) To hyperventilate.
OVERBURTHENoverburthen n. Archaic form of overburden.
overburthen v. Archaic form of overburden.
OVERBURTHEN v. (archaic) to overburden, also OVERBURDEN.
PROHIBITIVEprohibitive adj. Tending to prohibit, preclude, or disallow.
prohibitive adj. Costly to the extreme; beyond budget.
prohibitive adj. (Of a contender in a competition): presumptive winner, likely winner.
SHOVELBOARDshovelboard n. Alternative form of shuffleboard.
SHOVELBOARD n. an old game in which a coin or other disc was driven along a table by the hand, also SHUFFLEBOARD.
VIBRAPHONESvibraphones n. Plural of vibraphone.
VIBRAPHONE n. an instrument having metal bars under which are electrically-operated resonators, played by striking the bars with small hammers, also VIBRAHARP.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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